更正下面句子的错误,每题仅有一处错误 After reading the essay,he went on writing a letter

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更正下面句子的错误,每题仅有一处错误 After reading the essay,he went on writing a letter 更正下面句子的错误,每题仅有一处错误 In this chapter i will attempt explaining what led up to therevolution 更正下面句子的错误,每题仅有一处错误 The police were told that some boys were seen play on thestreet [判断题] 根据会计法规定,外来原始凭证的金额有错误时,应当由出具单位更正,更正处应当加盖出具单A、正确B、错误 下面句子中有两处拼音错误,两处关联词语使用不当,请找出来并更正过来. 找出下面句子中的一处错误.Who's bag is that?----- --- ----A B C找出下面句子中的一处错误,并修改过来. [判断题] 发现以前年度记账凭证有错误,应先用红字冲销,然后用蓝字填制一张更正的记账凭证.(  A、正确B、错误 下面的句子有哪些错误 错误的一题 She likes to eat with her friends in a restaurant.这句话符合语法规则吗?若不对.在不改变句子本意的情况下,更正错误. 英语改错8请帮忙看看下面这个句子ABCD四个部分哪个地方错了,有且仅有一处错误,大家来帮忙找找哦!十分感谢!8. The field of dynamics in physics is concerned (A) with a particle’s(B) motion in relation to (C) th 英语改错9请帮忙看看下面这个句子ABCD四个部分哪个地方错了,有且仅有一处错误,大家来帮忙找找哦!十分感谢!9. The suggestion taxes were cut (A) was(B) not accepted by the mayor who foresaw (C) a deficit that was 原始凭证有错误的,可以在错误处更正,但必须由原出具单位加盖印章 为什么错? 找出下面短文中错误的,并更正.一共有8个错误的地方.Amy is going shoping with her mother.She’s making list.On the list,she write down 5 pencils,a eraser,5 bananas,7 ice cream,4 cakes and two kilo of cheese.She wants some sweet,too 一.在下列句子的空格里填上一组读音相同的异形词.The elephant has a big ______ ,it ______ the way to the forest.二.改错.找出下列各题划线部分错误的选项,把须更正的序号填在题前的括号内,并在后面的 找错误更正一下下面这些句子what colour are you likeHE wants to wore it.I'm going to make a cake to youWe need to make a cake to you ( )41.What’s(A) you(B) name?My(C) name is(D) Bob.( )42.This(A) is(B) My(C) pencil case(D).( )下面每题只有一处错误,请在A、B、C、D中选出错误的序号,填在题前的括号内,再把正确的答案写在题后的横线上.( )42.Thi 高中语文找错题要求找出全部错误之处并更正,