为什么one meter long和one minute's walk不一样为什么one meter long(包括five years old)都是没有一撇的,可是one minute's walk有一撇那是不是和long,old是形容词walk是做名词用有关?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:38:45
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为什么one meter long和one minute's walk不一样为什么one meter long(包括five years old)都是没有一撇的,可是one minute's walk有一撇那是不是和long,old是形容词walk是做名词用有关? It's one meter long.请问这里的 long 词性? The ice in the river is about one meter __.it is strong to skate on.(long high thick wide) ----What's the _____(long)of your desk?----It's about one meter. What's the_(long)of your desk?It's about one meter. Over the river there is ____bridge.( )( )Over the river there is______ bridge.A.a 110—meter—long B.a 110—meters—longC.an 110—meter—long D.an 110—meters long为什么选A,我觉得应该选C吧!因为one hundred 的o不是元音 “两百米长”英语里说“two meters long 还是two- meter -long ”噢?为什么? 1-meter one-meter哪个正确 It is 1.7 meters long.和 It is 1.7 meter long.哪一句正确? 10 meters long可以说10-meter-long? a 50-meter-long bridge over the river中 50-meter-long为什么不像minute's walk 那样?是固定词组吗? the 110 meter hurdles 和the 110-meter hurdles 哪个对?为什么加/不加连字符? 该句里的measuring怎么理解My father caught a big fish,measuring one meter long. The throught our city ,which is about __,is clean again .A.6,000 meters long B.6,000-meters-long C.6,000-meter-long D6,000 meter long为什么 He often shows me his ___picture which he bought last year.A tow meters long B tow -meters- long C tow -meter- long D tow -meter long 请翻译句子和选项并加以说明原因 There is ___bridge near our school.A.11-meter-long B.an 11-meter long C.an-11-meter-long What will the future be like?It's possible that we may often fly up into space!Out of all thecoolest inventions of the year,Time chose Spaceship One as the best.  Spaceship One is a 6-meter-long white spaceship.On June 21,American pilot Mike Melv two-feet-long还是teo feet long连字富豪德结构是什么?我不明白德是ten-meter-wide为什么是错德?正确答It's a 500-meter-long这个为什么就可以呢?还有那些呢!