大家看看这句英语语法是否错误:The people who speak native langu大家看看这句英语语法是否错误:The people who speak native language speak too quickly.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:32:08
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大家看看这句英语语法是否错误:The people who speak native langu大家看看这句英语语法是否错误:The people who speak native language speak too quickly. 请大家进来看看,这句英语语法有错误吗?Your company is one of the largest manufacturers all over the world. 能帮忙看看这句英语语法有错误吗She had seen the light was high up on the cliffs.意思:她看见一盏灯高高地挂在峭壁上. 大家看看这句句子的语法有没有错误:She was at the office this moring. 请大家看看这是否是陨石? Hello,my miss.这句英语语法有错误吗? 这句英语语法有错误么?my heart belongs to the air which you breathe ……RT 麻烦帮忙看看这句英语有没有错误If I take the car to go to school,I can sleep longer than go to school on foot.原意:如果我坐车去学校,我可以睡比走路去学校更长的时间.【英语语法有错误吗】 请看看这句英语语法有没有错误I am not able to copy or burn the DVD.Because the DVD does not read and write,but it is able to play the movie.Maybe this DVD is in the protection of copyright.I am sorry to say I am not able to burn this DVD 大家帮我看看这句英语有语法上的错误吗?I haven‘t found the goods are both excellent in quelity and reasonable in price up to now! 请大家看看这句英文有没有明显错误,特别语法.The machine achievespower regulation during working by using closed-loop control which is based onvoltage and current respectively.有几个单词连一块了。 大家看看这句是不是病句,错在哪里是否具有节俭创新意识,是名族兴旺的决定性因素 大家帮忙看看这句藏文是什么意思,麻烦大家了 这句英语语法对吗The college students have been under the sheilds of families and schools(as well as the chinese education system) for 20 years.这个under我觉得不对,但怎么改呢?大家帮我看看,谢啦~ 这句英语有错误吗?帮我看看改改~The world seems disappeared when I stare at your eyes! Paris is a fashionable city where gathered verious kind of world-famous brand大家看看这句...Paris is a fashionable city where gathered verious kind of world-famous brand大家看看这句话有什么错误没? 大家帮忙看看这是什么花,是否有毒 大家帮我看看 这句英语是不是有语法错误that you said 有错误码 是不是应该是that's you said