请雅思高手帮忙评价我的这篇雅思作文!Topic:We can get knowledge from news.But some people even think we should not trust the journalists.What do you think?And what do you think are the important qualities that a journalist should have?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/20 21:38:04
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请雅思高手帮忙评价我的这篇雅思作文!Topic:We can get knowledge from news.But some people even think we should not trust the journalists.What do you think?And what do you think are the important qualities that a journalist should have? 我的雅思作文帮忙批改 评分 有篇雅思小作文哪位高手帮忙看看能得计分,有错请批评指正(这是剑桥雅思4 Text3里的WRITING TASK1)The chart appears that the different suitation of post-school were reached by men and women in Australia in 1991Form the 请高手给评价下这篇雅思作文因为字数限制,只能上图片啦,希望高手给看下这篇作文大概能拿多少分,有哪些错误需要改进的, 给位高手给我一张英语的成绩单,里面包括:雅思口语,雅思听力,雅思阅读,雅思写作,不要雅思的样板成绩 雅思复习计划雅思需要7分请高手指点复习计划 谁能帮我写这篇雅思的小作文, 请雅思老师给我这篇作文打分,并给评价!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a g 求帮忙估分雅思小作文剑九 TEST 3 task1这是我写的小作文,请考过的同学估分!The following pie chart shows the proportion of people between 0 to 14 years,15 to 59 years and more than 60 years in Yemen and Italy in 2000 and gives 雅思作文模板请大家帮我找个雅思学术类task1模版吧 剑桥雅思,烤鸭高手进入剑桥雅思分了12345678不同书,我暑期想要准备雅思,是个新手,请传授经验(比如方法和书籍之类的,我的基础还不错). 【雅思作文高手进】帮我看看这篇作文,估下能得几分我是第一次考雅思,这是我摸索着写出来的作文,没什么经验,也肯定会有很多出错的地方,就不要客气指出来,顺便帮我估下能得几分,Today,env 帮我写篇雅思大作文,..The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems. What are those problems? In order to reduce the problems, should we discourage people to use cars?这个作文是report还是argumentation类型?高手帮忙写篇250左 各位能不能帮忙给我这些雅思作文话题的范文,或者是写作思路、结构、素材呢?这是9月雅思写作的慎小嶷预测话题,时间仓促,1 We need more female leaders to create world peace and reduce violence.Do you agree o HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOURS?雅思的口语题`````请高手帮我想想回答好啊`````` 请改雅思作文的给帮忙评一下这篇作文的分,Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subjects.To what extent do you agree or disagree?My Answer:In this day and age,some argue that each subject in uni 请考雅思有经验的同学帮我介绍一些雅思的参考书籍, 我写的一篇G类雅思大作文,剑桥雅思6,G类第一套题大作文.我的目标是作文7分.1.请高手指出任何语法,时态错误.这些错误对7分是致命性的.2.文章结构有任何问题或者建议吗?是否跑题,每段主题