John _____ from his chair to welcome his guests.A.rose up to B.rised C.raise D.went up

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 07:38:00
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John _____ from his chair to welcome his guests.A.rose up to B.rised C.raise D.went up The boy whose name is John comes from England.The boy _____ the _____ John c john is walking to his classroom.(同义句)john is_____ _____ _______to his classroom.take a seat,please (同义句) 翻译 John rose up from his chair to welome his guests. A:_____ _____ John?He looks so sad.B:Because his dog's leg hurts. John was absent from class yesterday.i don't know his reason.怎么改成定语从句, Jack reeeived a dear John letter from his girl friend because he had broken her heart John is playing basketball _____ one of his photos.A.inB.atC.onD.of His house is different from my flat.(同义句) His house isn't _____ _____ _____ my flat. Yesterday he got a nice _____ from his mother for his birthday. His home is only _____(ten minutes' walk)from his office. 填什么Danny was _____ (absence) from school because of his _____ .(sick) Tom _____ his father _____ character and some everyday habits.Tom _____ his father _____ character and some everyday habits.A.differs in; from B.differs from; in C.different from; in different from; in求详解 七年级英语改写句子John will go to bed after he finishes his homework.(改为同义句)John _____ go to bed _____ he finishes his homework.每空格限填一词 Does he need borrow any money from his father?(改错)John is much popular than me.(改错) My sititer does sports eveyday.和 John comes from Canda 疑问句和 His uncle aluays cors to uok on foot. His illness resulted from bad food.(改为同意句)His illness _____ ______ ______ _____ bad food. 用动词的适当形式填空 John _____(do) his homework every night.明天要用了!