It was his way of saying I could tell him what was wrong, no judgment, but...It was his way of saying I could tell him what was wrong, no judgment, but I knew I could never tell him the truth.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 01:53:42
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1 his plight was duty-related 2 talked his way out of it 3 make his way back home帮忙翻译一下 Dick was a clever boy,but his parents was very poor because___of them were out of ___.So he had tomake money in his holidays.In this way he was___to go on studying,but it was so expensive there. It was his way of saying I could tell him what was wrong, no judgment, but...It was his way of saying I could tell him what was wrong, no judgment, but I knew I could never tell him the truth. ( )__on his way home.A.His wallet was stolen of him B.He was robbed of his walletC.His wallet was robbed of himD.He was stolen from his money The lady left his husband's room just the way it was.这句怎么翻译 He didn't r_____ that he had lost his way until it was very dark. Dick was a clever boy ,but his parents was very poor because both of them were out of work.So hehad to make money in his holidays.In this way he was able to go on studying,but it was so expensive there.___he had to get to jobs.One summer he was lucky One of his eyes was injured in an accident,but after a ______ operation,he quickly recovered his sA.delicateB.considerateC.preciseD.sensible It was silly of me to be the way that I was 初二英语阅读短文Bruno was a boy of eight.His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop.He lived not far from his school.He always walked there and walked home.On his way to school,he had to pass a playground(操场).It was Knowing that it was not an ordinary fish,the fisherman tried his best not to ______ it in any way. 英语翻译He finished his tea,went inside,found a book,then turned on the porch light on his way back out.After sitting down again,he looked at the book.It was old,the cover was torn,and the pages were stained with mud and water.It was Leaves of Gr Alan was very unhappy today.lats week he had 1.______exam .He 2.____ pass the exam.he was worried about it .because his father was strict with 3____4 .___ his way home ,it rained hard .suddenly Alan 5.__ of an idea .Then he smiled ang put the exam pa 英语翻译But that was the way it was for many of the kids caught up in the glitter crowd,some of whom had yet to actually see this creature David Bowie perform.They viewed Bowie—not just his records and his image,but the whole scene he was music It was his birthday yesterdsy.He got a lot of( ) from his uncles. 英语翻译The importance of being honest It was Friday night in New York.George Sang was on his way home.He saw a young man playing the violin when he got to the bus station.There was a hat in front of the young man.Though the music was great,only He got wet all over _____ a heavy rain on his way home.选择( ).快些.理由要有A.because B.because by C.because it was D.because of 英语习题 完形填空Sam had l his wallet while taking his money to the bank.Sam was q sure that the wallet must have been found b one of the villagers on the way and then one morning.Sam f his vallet outside hisfont door.In it was half the m he