请问下面句子是简单句、复合句还是并列句?I did what I could to console her,but she looked so tired and pale that I persuaded her to go to her room and rest,promising to return the next day.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 00:46:55
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请问下面句子是简单句、复合句还是并列句?She paused,as though she did not quite know how to begin. Work hard,and you'll succeed.这个句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句? I don't know what I can do 是简单句还是并列句还是复合句? He is cleverer than Tom.这个句子是简单句,还是并列句,还是复合句?请分析一下.有人说它是一个并列句。than是并列连词,Tom后省略了 is。 什么是简单句、并列句、主从复合句? 英语句子中分号连接的句子是属于并列句还是复合句 so做连词的句子是并列句还是复合句如He got up late,so he missed the early bus.这句话是并列句还是复合句? 请问下面句子是简单句、复合句还是并列句?I did what I could to console her,but she looked so tired and pale that I persuaded her to go to her room and rest,promising to return the next day. “There is a chair in this room,isn't there?”是简单句、并列句还是复合句? 判断下列句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句,并指出复合句中的从句类型:1、Experiments show that cigarettes smoking can cause cancer.2、Besides the most serious and terrible disease-cancer,cigarette smoking also can cause o 一个简单的英语句子结构问题she said,Nacy is foolish.1、并列句还是复合句2、如是复合句,后面的是状从、宾从还是同位从 我知道状语从句是主从复合句,那状语从句是并列句还是复合句? 英语简单句、复合句、并列句的区别和联系? 简单句、并列句、复合句分别都包括哪些? 什么是简单句,复合句,并列句.重在参于 判断下面是简单句还是复合句还是并列句?A qualified teather should not only teach his students lessons but also teach them how to become good citizens . 请问复合句和并列句怎么区分啊?>能不能给举几个句子呀? He is cleverer than Tom.这个句子是简单句,还是并列句,还是复合句?请分析一下.我问过一些人,差不多说什么的多有:句中并无 and或or也无引导词 2.是并列句!more...than 整个应该是:He is cleverer than Tom