此句是 简单句还是并列句The bank must obey its customer's instructions ,and not those of anyone else .银行必须遵照储户的 嘱托办事 ,不能听从其他人的指令 .

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 01:22:47
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此句是 简单句还是并列句The bank must obey its customer's instructions ,and not those of anyone else .银行必须遵照储户的 嘱托办事 ,不能听从其他人的指令 . The boy jumped out of bed,dressed hurriedly and ran downstairs是简单句还是并列句 I don't know what I can do 是简单句还是并列句还是复合句? Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.是简单句还是并列句? Work hard,and you'll succeed.这个句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句? He helps me but doesn't help her.这句话是简单句还是并列句 什么是简单句、并列句、主从复合句? 如何区分简单句和并列句? 英语翻译其中“and”是并列rise和distress,还是并列cost和distress?此句怎么翻译? “There is a chair in this room,isn't there?”是简单句、并列句还是复合句? Kelly was exhausted and covered with a thick grey dust. 这个句子是简单句还是并列句?分析句子成分 He is cleverer than Tom.这个句子是简单句,还是并列句,还是复合句?请分析一下.有人说它是一个并列句。than是并列连词,Tom后省略了 is。 请Both he and I teach English.是不是并列句还是简单句? so做连词的句子是并列句还是复合句如He got up late,so he missed the early bus.这句话是并列句还是复合句? 这是并列句,还是简单句..1.I like playing basketball and swimming .有说是简单句的,也有说是并列句的.and可以连接前后两个并列成分,在简单句里面也是可以有and的吧.1.这个句子是什么句子,麻烦看下..2 英语简单句、复合句、并列句的区别和联系? 简单句、并列句、复合句分别都包括哪些? 什么是简单句,复合句,并列句.重在参于