radially symmetric怎么翻译,是数学上的,直译的不像啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 02:42:37
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radially symmetric怎么翻译,是数学上的,直译的不像啊 英语翻译(计算机英语)请问Simulating a Symmetric Multiprocessor怎么翻译? symmetric gaussian 在光学中的意思 symmetric matrix 的公式和例子 skew symmetric matrix 的公式和例子是什么啊 急 a graph is symmetric with respect to the y-axis特别是里面的respect which of the following are true statements?i.All symmetric histogram have single peaks.ii.All symmetric bell-shaped curves are normal.iii.All normal curves are bell-shaped and symmetric.btw:bell-shaped curve不是本来就symmetric吗,为啥题目 The nambers of thefollowing traffic signs,which are axially symmetric,are 轴对称图形的翻译是axial symmetry graphs还是axially symmetric figure 英语翻译Liquid crystal dimers [1] are composed of moleculescontaining two mesogenic groups linked via a flexiblespacer.They can be sub-divided into two broad groups:symmetric dimers,in which the two mesogenic units areidentical,and non-symmetric 什么叫循环对称的零均值复高斯随机变量?circularly symmetric zero mean complex Gaussian random variables具体是什么样的变量呢? 行列式的问题 对称矩阵Let A and B be n × n matrices.Which of the following statements are always true?(i) If det(A) = det(B) then det(A − B) = 0.(ii) If A and B are symmetric,then the matrix AB is also symmetric.若A对称 MATLAB程序看不懂[dx dy] = meshgrid(-r:r);h = exp(- (dx.^2 + dy.^2) / (2 * sigma_s^2));xp = padarray(x,[r r],’symmetric’);yp = padarray(y,[r r],’symmetric’);xt = zeros(size(x));parfor p = 1:numel(x),[i j] = ind2sub(size(x),p);求上面程 英语翻译this EEG examination included sleep record induced by chloral hydrate.the sleep EEG showed intermittent5 -6Hz,25-50UV activity over posterior areas and lower voltage faster activity anteriorly.the record was symmetric.Bilateral synchroniz 英语翻译:1:Identity :2:Associative (multiplication) :3:Additive Inverse :4:Reflexive :5:Multiplicative Inverse :6:Transitive :7:Associative (addition) :8:Distributive :9:Commutative :10:Symmetric 全是英语数学单词,像“加法结合律 大学英文线性代数题.A matrix A is said to be skew-symmetric if AT=-A.Show that if a matrix is kewsymmetric then its diagonal entries must all be 0. 英语翻译Centred Text that aligns each line to the vertical centre of the block.thus forming a symmetric shape with ragged line beginnings and endings.The shape can be controlled to a certain extent by adjusting sentence structure. 帮忙翻译一段英文 紧急important to value variations in particular factorsthat may be effaced when combining them to theothers. The symmetric treatment of differences indecision and condition attributes makes the indexof mutual information se 下列数据属于什么分布:symmetric distribution,Skewed distributionBimodal distribuyion and Unimodal distribution:157,160,162,165,166,167,167,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,174,176,178,180,182MeanStandard Deviation 169.96.307931515