the determining

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 13:13:36
x)+HUHI-I-KI*/!JBZjbqӶOzn˓=l f؀9覔%AC<]MϦ/Qx>{6@ vku (lC)уzf}: Ov~s‹۟[Qi @5O#;
the determining determining the extent to which 英语翻译when determining what the law requires. The angry lady left the mall,( ) never to comeA.determining B.determined 为什么选B?我认为应该选A,determining作结果状语,但标准答案是B. ____to master the books,the owner started out seriously.这里填determining还是being determined? “PLEASE WAIT WHILE THE INSTALLER FINISHES DETERMINING YOUR DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS”是什么意思 __to catch up with others,the boy was working hardA.To determine B.Determined C.Determining He focused on his paper ,() never () the same mistakes.为什么第一空不能用determining? 翻译:Promotion is based on the seniority system,the length of employment determining one's rank in the company. 英语翻译The optimization problem can then be considered as that of determining the statinary point of the Lagranian funtion. 英语选择题为什么选A不选B___theories approximate the truth is the day-to-day business of science.A Determining how closely B How closely to determine C How one determines close D one is close to determining The young man,determined to carry out his plan.和I walked out of the cinema,determining I'd never come back to this place.为什么一个用determined一个用determining the young man,determined to carry out his plan.和I walked out of the cinema,determining I'd never come back to this place.为什么一个用determined一个用determining he left the place,____never to come back.A.determined B.determining 请做出详细的讲解. Determined to win the competition,he got down to hard training.为什么用determined?为什么不用being determined?或者determining? [w88] -What about the person?-Seldom in all my life _____ such a ______ person.A.I met ; determining B.I have met ; determining C.have I met ; determinedD.did I meet ; determined请翻译包括选项,并分析. determine这个词有疑惑I walked out of the cinema,determined/determining never to come back this hell of a place.这里岂不是determined/determining两者都对,一个是vt,一个是固定be supposed to? 英语翻译Job analysis is the process of determining the duties of the positions and the characteristics of the people who should be hired for them