belief可做动词吗?There is nothing more natural than a child belief in his parents.这句话怎么翻译?belief是重点

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 21:04:51
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belief可做动词吗?There is nothing more natural than a child belief in his parents.这句话怎么翻译?belief是重点 belief的动词是 where there is no belief there is no disappointment的中文意思 there is/there are 后面的动词也要加ing吗? there is/there are 后面的动词也要加ing吗? love is belief还是love is a belief,为什么 there is no person 后面的动词要第三人称吗? There be可直接跟动词吗?(There be和动词之间没有任何冠词,名词,代词) There be后面可跟的动词 belief和direction的动词是什么? 这一句如何理解?there is a reason for everything that happens在句子中做什么成分?There seem to be two elements involved in our readiness to feel guilty.The first lies in our belief that the world makes sense there is a reason for everyt 歌词 in my heart i forget there is strong belief that i can do anything i want to there be 句子成份分析 .there is a man smoking under the tree.请教there be 句型里哪个是主谓宾.这个there be 句型里,a man 是主语,there is 里面的is 是做谓语动词吗?under the tree 是地点状语.smoking 是什么成分? there is no doubt 后的that可省略吗 there is nothing to do这句话是那就没什么可做的了. where there is a will,there is a way 是定语从句吗?如题.也可变成 There is a way where there is a will what is really sad about this belief that it actually discourage people from trying.what是什么用法,belief that后面是同位语从句吗 have可做情态动词吗?见到过几次这种情况了I don't think this is a good suggestion .Have you any other ones?