来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:05:37
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EXPIRES IN 20 Expires是什么意思? License Expires in 4 Days我是个英盲呵呵速度了大哥门 哪位大人能精翻下这句:please make sure that the LC expires in Australia and not in China如题 patent expires是什么意思 英语翻译He has to go to the Embassy to have his visa extended since expires in a month. 麻烦帮忙看下面两句话语法有没有问题Could you please tell me why does my password expires every once in a while without sending me a notice?How can I make my password never expires?主要是说为啥我的密码每隔一段时间就过 response.expires=-1啥意思 英语翻译we hereby issue our irrevocable standby letter of credit at the request of -----in your favor for an amount not exceeding in aggregate CNY-----only (say only) which expires at our address stated above on---------- Licensor wishes to grant to Licensee the license to the Licensed Rights during the Agreement Term as defined in the TV Agreement or as defined hereunder,whichever expires first,on the terms and conditions set out herein. a man respires,aspires,perspires,inspires and expires.如何翻译 Lease Expires 什么意思命令提示符ipconfig中 response.expires = -1是什么意思response.expires = 0 不就是立即过期吗? 这里-1有什么其它作用? response.addDateHeader(expires, 0); 是 什么意思啊,求教response.addDateHeader(expires, 0); 是 什么意思啊 英语翻译The first version of the PageRank technology was created while Larry and Sergey attended Stanford University,which owns a patent to PageRank.The PageRank patent expires in 2017.We hold a perpetual license to this patent.In October 2003,we 英语翻译we received your stop payment request special paying instructions for your account as described above.your request was placed on 10 19 09 and expires on 04 17 10 .you must renew this request in writing for it to remain in effect after the 英语翻译Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind:complimentary first class pass valid for travel on Grand Central services,business use only,expires 31 March 2010.NO VALUE RECEIVED TO DATE.Date of receipt of donation:8 July 2009 place of jurisdiction is yours Our indemnity is valid until...and expires in full and automatically if your claim has not been made on or before that date,regardless of such sate being a banking day or not.This indemnity is governed by Malaysian law,