sitting grandam is chair on Lily's the mondy school from go to to friday we 连词成句 从Lily's the开始是下一个句子

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 20:40:02
x)+,)KWH/JKIU,VHH,RS̩T/V(HUKT(NQH+UHW(̔JTXc Ov!?ty~ɎU@%ONI*ҧ;APe`&\s  Oډ _Eг/.H̳"
sitting grandam is chair on Lily's the mondy school from go to to friday we 连词成句 从Lily's the开始是下一个句子 ( )The Greens____at table when I went inA:is sitting B:were sitting C:was sitting D:sat A taecher ,with three students ,_____in the office now.A are sittingB is sitting C were sitting D was sitting Is Li Ming________or________A.sit,stand B.sitting,stand C.sitting,standing D.siting,standing what is Bod doing he is ( )with his brother a:sing b:sings c :singing( there‘ s a car coming.a:watch b:be careful C:look outalice ( )her grandam next sunday.a:shall b:is going to see c:sees there might be a big dog ____ there.A sit B sat C sitting 选C 为什么 sitting前不加is Look!the mother with her children _____ near the pond A:are sitting B:sitting C:is sit The child _______ on the chair and eating a cake.A.siting B.sitting C.ia sitting sat Where is jack sitting He is sitting between we 改错 改错:Where is Jack sitting?He is sitting between we The boy__ on my left is our monitorA.seating B.seated C.sitting D.being sitting [ (B) why?]为什么不是The boy (who is) sitting on my left is our monitor 呢 Tom is in the sitting Who is the student _____ was sitting over there.A,whom Bthat C,which,Dwhose One of the children ( ) sitting near the C.are She is ( ) down.A.siting B.Sitting C.sits D.sit 填空 Ben’s family ( )in the B.are 小学英语二年级选择题Grandma is sitting _______the chair? A in B on C under The dog is ____in the kitchen. A、sit B、sits C、siting D、sitting