sitting grandam is chair on Lily's the mondy school from go to to friday we 连词成句 从Lily's the开始是下一个句子

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 18:45:17
sitting grandam is chair on Lily's the mondy school from go to to friday we 连词成句 从Lily's the开始是下一个句子
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sitting grandam is chair on Lily's the mondy school from go to to friday we 连词成句 从Lily's the开始是下一个句子
sitting grandam is chair on Lily's the mondy school from go to to friday we 连词成句
从Lily's the开始是下一个句子

sitting grandam is chair on Lily's the mondy school from go to to friday we 连词成句 从Lily's the开始是下一个句子
Lily's grandma is sitting on the chair.We go to school from Monday to Friday.

sitting grandam is chair on Lily's the mondy school from go to to friday we 连词成句 从Lily's the开始是下一个句子 ( )The Greens____at table when I went inA:is sitting B:were sitting C:was sitting D:sat A taecher ,with three students ,_____in the office now.A are sittingB is sitting C were sitting D was sitting Is Li Ming________or________A.sit,stand B.sitting,stand C.sitting,standing D.siting,standing what is Bod doing he is ( )with his brother a:sing b:sings c :singing( there‘ s a car coming.a:watch b:be careful C:look outalice ( )her grandam next sunday.a:shall b:is going to see c:sees there might be a big dog ____ there.A sit B sat C sitting 选C 为什么 sitting前不加is Look!the mother with her children _____ near the pond A:are sitting B:sitting C:is sit The child _______ on the chair and eating a cake.A.siting B.sitting C.ia sitting sat Where is jack sitting He is sitting between we 改错 改错:Where is Jack sitting?He is sitting between we The boy__ on my left is our monitorA.seating B.seated C.sitting D.being sitting [ (B) why?]为什么不是The boy (who is) sitting on my left is our monitor 呢 Tom is in the sitting Who is the student _____ was sitting over there.A,whom Bthat C,which,Dwhose One of the children ( ) sitting near the C.are She is ( ) down.A.siting B.Sitting C.sits D.sit 填空 Ben’s family ( )in the B.are 小学英语二年级选择题Grandma is sitting _______the chair? A in B on C under The dog is ____in the kitchen. A、sit B、sits C、siting D、sitting