I like ice-creams but I don't like carrots.改错

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:46:47
i would like (some ice creams)提问 I like eating ice creams 改为否定句 、 一般疑问句并肯定回答、对ice creams提问! A strawberry ice cream.I like the ice creams.这句话对吗?Some strawberry ice cream.A strawberry ice cream.一份草莓冰淇凌I like the ice creams.如果ice cream 是可数单数,为什么ice cream 后要加s. I like ice-creams but I don't like carrots.改错 Many _____ (child) like ice creams . I like to eat ice creams in summer冰激凌加S吗 我喜欢吃冰淇淋和西瓜I like eating ice cream and watermelon.I like eating ice creams and watermelons.哪一句对? I have fish and ice-creams for lunch.问句是什么? I like ice-cream.和I like ice-creams.哪个句子是对的?ice-cream 不是可数名词吗,表示喜欢一类的事物,要用复数,第一个句子为什么用单数呢,哪个是对的, summer,the weather is sunny and hot.I can eat my favourite food—ice creams!I'm very happy!I like s 可以说many ice creams吗? eat ice creams怎么翻译? Children usually like ice creams这句话有什么不对?xiexie Children usually like ice creams这句话有什么不对?xiexie 判断下列句子是否正确,不正确的请改正.Children usually like ice creams. Do they like ice creams 变成肯定句和否定句 these an ice creams are nice these ice creams nice are creams nicethese an ice creams are nicethese ice creams nice these are creams nice都是病句? 求英文首字母填空Can I help you?Yes,I‘d like 2 ice creams.How much are they?4 yuan e_____.What else do you want?I need some pencils,please.