(lucky),the driver stopped his car.适当形式填空

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 05:52:27
x))Mή)HUH),K-R(./(HMQ,VHN,{t{=t+w$铩SΆ[}s2s*hYbgE*S>.4(Sy:gXi{N{9wӮO>];iy99Ovv?߸h=6yvPڀ9>j6-0hu) $Ew
(lucky),the driver stopped his car.适当形式填空 What's the difference between lucky & fortunate 根据首字母填空:The policeman asked the driver to show his driver's l ____ . The policeman asked the drunken driver to show his driver’s ____.paper print list license The policeman asked the drunken driver to show his driver’s ____. the is in driver's the dress(连词成句 Charlie found that he had the same watch as the_____到底填driver还是driver’s? you,west,describe,lucky,once It's not easy _____ what I saw.It's not easy _____ what I saw.The boy fell into the river._____,a driver saved him.Did you enjoy ____ at Simon's birthday party?I have the music class ____ a week,only on Tuesday.My brother Before the driver took John's father to his office. the driver _____cars怎么填填“ 's ”或“ of ” Almost everyone failed _______ after the news rules issued.:pass his driver’s test B:to have passed his driver’s test C:to pass his driver’s test D:passing his driver’s test driver's license是什么意思 driver's licence driver 为什么用单数 1.Passenger:Look out!There‘s a kangaroo wandering on the road!Driver:_____ it!That was lucky.It can damage my car really badly.A.Missing B.Missed C.To miss D.Miss 2.The professor walked onto a platform and seated himself in a chair ,_____for an The car knocked into the post because of the driver's __.(care) 根据首字母填空The taxi driver took the s() child to the hospital The Lucky Ones 歌词 58 It was ______ the driver ‘s carelessness that the accident happened.