
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 07:29:47
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连词成句,1-5有错误吗,若有,该怎么改正? 请问这句英语有错误吗?如果有错,该怎么改?Mold the naturalwater of skin delicate with moisten.请问这句话有错误吗?如果有错该怎么改啊? 请问这句英文有没有错误?如何改?a careful examination would reveal this argument is groundless for three fallacies.这句话有没有错?如果错了,该怎么改? 初一下册英语连词成句怎么写好,有语法吗,有窍门吗 She is most upset that you can't come.这句句子在语法上有没有什么错误若有,请指出错误的地方,该怎么改 若没有,请说明这是什么从句我附上中文翻译:你不能来,他很着急求来专业的,主要是考虑 Are you play football every day? 这句英语有问题吗?把错误改过来 Exciting words came that the missing boy of that village had been found.改错该句子有误吗?要是有错误,请问怎么改? 初中英语连词成句和改句 You are too weak for you to finish it.有错误吗?如果有怎么改. 股票公式有错误,应该怎么改呀 I can't fly because the weather was too hot.这句话有错误么,有错在哪里,该怎么改?其实我觉得没有错误· 有四处错误,改病句 you have five minutes remember them?这句话中有错误吗?thief,caught,got,i,my,back,the,and,puse.连词成句 连词成句.b the is I coeeect thlnk answer .(如有错误,请改正并回答) about,you,jane,what该怎么连词成句? My classmates are the men who are I like.这句话有错误吗?如果没有错误,如果有错误,怎么改? nobody属于否定词吗如果该反义疑问句该怎么改?(如果本来句子是肯定句因为有nobody所以反义疑问句是肯定吗?) 我这个英语语法有错误吗,怎么改才能使文章更English?