3=2a+3´ 3´ 3a+2´ (1-9a)+1/2 a=1/22 (氧化还原配平出问题)例11:Fe3C+HNO3 ¾ CO2+Fe(NO3)3+NO+H2O 分析:运用待定系数法时,也可以不设出所有系数,如将反应物或生成物之一加上系数,然后

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 07:56:05
xAs@ǿJNL;A$^RzLzs;u&@ RH~gn8|Xt;xl|FR%3 zo(wMYIQ3 ?FxՄj{Q ˙IEYZ9mGjRahNVwsYyOJ`S+;=kєՇlTg8I6tڥzsbf1$?,8ܼ`F;mfӠB"QG6/ ~TDe.-:oV #Q{Eѯ{O_ZK U$ݸArD!(-E#+,1vW|-<چ„]'>`/`c{(wY# jbf]lFq^WӚ}DH ;D~)[#dxQV$7E"( V})] n|FYx~Hc;I qNE8x0w> vJSOqFpzK
设f(x)=2x^2+3x,则f´(a)=,[f(a)]´=,顺便说一下思路 3=2a+3´ 3´ 3a+2´ (1-9a)+1/2 a=1/22 (氧化还原配平出问题)例11:Fe3C+HNO3 ¾ CO2+Fe(NO3)3+NO+H2O 分析:运用待定系数法时,也可以不设出所有系数,如将反应物或生成物之一加上系数,然后 英语翻译9-(2-Methylphenyl)-3,4,5,6,9,10-hexahydroxanthene-1,8(2H,7H)-dioneMarco Brito-Arias,(1) Manuel Tapia-Albarra´ n,(1) Itzia Padilla-Martı´nez,(1) FranciscoMartı´nez-Martı´nez,(1) Georgina Espinosa,(2) 这首歌的歌词的中文意思谁帮把这首歌的歌词翻译过来I´m a little used to calling outside your name I wont see you tonight so I can keep from going insane But I don´t know enough I get some kinda lazy day Hey now I&acut 例3.如图,⊙O´与 轴的正半轴交于C、D 两点,E为圆上一点,给出 5 个论断:① ⊙O´与y轴相切于点A,② DE⊥ 轴,③ EC平分∠AED;④ DE=2AO;⑤OD=3OC从论断① 、 ② 、 ③ 、④中选②③④和① that´s a 求助! 求解微分方程!急! 数学达人速度来!1.求解下列微分方程组的解dx/(mz-ny)=dy/(nx-lz)=dz/(ly-mx)2.求解下列微分方程组 x´=x+2y-e^(-t)y´=4x+3y+ 4e^(-t)满足x(0)=y(0)=1的解3.求 求解下列微分方程组,不用matlab解微分方程组,求解下列微分方程组 x´=x+2y-e^(-t)y´=4x+3y+ 4e^(-t)满足x(0)=y(0)=1的解 英语翻译Back it up,back it upYou got it,you got itPut your hands up,put your hands up,put your hands upYou got it,you got itDrive back baby to me,fast in your carI´m here waiting,crash into me real hard[2x]I wander round the room and I&acut acute matlab求(d³y)/dx³+3(dy/dx)+2y=6的通解并求满足y(0)=1,y´(0)=2,y(0)=3的特解. But it´s ( ).I´ll buy a( ) one. 错在哪里?已知函数f(x)=ln(2+3x) - 3x^2/22、若对任意x∈[1/6,1/3],不等式|a - lnx|+ln[f'(x) + 3x] > 0成立,求实数a的取值范围(2) 由|a-lnx|+ln[f´(x)+3x]>0得| a-lnx |+ln[3/(2+3x)]>0,∵x∈[1/6,1/3],∴ln[3/(2+3x)]≥0,| a- my hair is too long,i will ----tomorrow!Acut it Bhave it cut 为什么是B?A哪里错了 9.如图,在矩形ABCD中,AB=2,AD=1,如图将矩形折叠使B点落在AD上,设为B´,顶点C9.如图,在矩形ABCD中,AB=2,AD=1,如图将矩形折叠使B点落在AD上,设为B´,顶点C到C´点,B´C´交DF于G.(1 特价机票预订´ ´ 英语翻译This 69-year-old man with a history of 1.three vessel CAD s/p stent insertion 2.HTN was admitted via ER due to acute onset of chest tightness four days ago.he had a history of myocardial infarction s/p PTCA to LAD in 3/95、3/96.After tha 若f´(x)为一次函数,且对任意x属于R恒有x^2f´(x)-(2x-1)f(x)=1,则f(x)=