英译中:Lessee shall have no power to incur, and shall keep the containers free from charges, liens这是个完整的句子,containers 在这里表示集装箱,我主要是不明白incur在这里如何理解,求高人赐教!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:57:55
xnA_e ~;#ϸ:𺆟`\ΖFf# "9vtpsLZ`.=٩9B4œ5.3~ y[T?N>/V7zͥKUAAw-
英译中:Lessee shall have no power to incur, and shall keep the containers free from charges, liens这是个完整的句子,containers 在这里表示集装箱,我主要是不明白incur在这里如何理解,求高人赐教! 英语翻译holdover by lessee.Should Lessee remain in possession of the demised premises with the consent of lessor after the natural expiration of this lease,a new month-to-month tenancy shall be created between Lessor and Lessee,which shall be sub tenant和lessee的区别? 英语翻译LESSOR may,without further requirement or proceeding,enter a lease agreement with a third party.In this event,as a penalty,the LESSEE shall not be reimbursed with any amounts of money it paid in advance. 英语翻译The authority granted herein to confess judgment shall not be exhausted by one exercise thereof,but shall continue from time to time and at all times until payment in full of all amounts due hereunder.For purposes of this paragraph,Lessee shall shall hav a great 1.You_______have the book as soon as I finish it.A.shall B.can C.will 为什么是shall,而不是其他两个?2.He_______300 English words by then?A.have learned B.had learned 为什么是B?遇到by then时一般用什么时态?3.How long______?A.hav 三道英语题(请英语高手回答)1.No matter____the weather islike,you can always find surfers out _____the waves in Honolulu.A.what;riding B.how; ridingC.what; to ride D.how; to ride2.When shall we start?Let's____it 8:30.Is that all right?A.hav 求英语达人做几道英语题1.He _________ TV now.For the exam is just around the corner. A.may not be watching B.may be watching C.shall not be watching D.will be watching2.He ___________ my good intention. A.must misunderstand B.must hav 英语翻译(1).we enclose a trial order.If the quality is up to our expectation,we shall send another order in the near future.Your prompt attention to this will be apperciated(2)breakage is a special risk,for which an extra premium will hav 小学英语问题!~~急用一.填空1.My presents_(be) not at home a moment ago.2 They aren't_(I) films.3.Shall we_(watch)Aladin now.二.改错1.Two sheep are on the grass.-改为:2.It means we should keep quietly.-改为:3.We will hav I want u to hav my 一头雾水 hav sb's own way是什么意思? 外国人问我hav u measurements? 英语翻译求翻译 Does the lease provide the lessee with exclusivity in relation to the permitted use of premises? shall we