1、 Ii't five thirteen.2、Would you like coffee of tea?3、Thank you very much for your presents.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 21:28:18
x)3|Ш^YPYTg/IQ/UNUHOKKMUOS(IM7*H+(K-T-MPH/)$;:Hɮ)ϛv?h{ ,hdg͛NtҴS?ٌ/zكaPՓkjyڱܥ6yv wU1
1、 Ii't five thirteen.2、Would you like coffee of tea?3、Thank you very much for your presents. 急 帮我看一下这个分段差分方程作图哪里错了,matlabclear all;clc;r1=1;r2=0.5;d=0;d1=200000;x0=1;t=0:22;N=length(t);for ii=0:Nif x=1000000for i=1:6x(ii+1)=x(ii)+(r2-i*0.5/6)*x(ii)*(1-x(ii)/10^12)-(d2+i*200000/6);endendx(ii+1)=x(ii)+r2 (ii) T'II take it 的翻译 GMAT数学一道Q10:A set of numbers has the property that for any number t in the set,t + 2 is in the set.If –1 is in the set,which of the following must also be in the set?I-3II1III5A.I onlyB.II onlyC.I and II onlyD.II and III onlyE.I,II,and III matlab 出错MATLAB问题 function vchu=tiji(ii,h)syms x y z m t h h2 r2 r1 r3 m1 s v3 v1 h1 ;a=3/2;b=3/2;l=8;rr=1.625;%球体半径%r=ii(3); for i=1:size(h)t=h(i)/1000;h2=(t-1.5)*cos(ii(2))+1.5-2*tan(ii(3)); %h2符号变量function vchu=tiji(ii,h)r2 Between World War II and the Korean War,there was a five year interlude of peace. Human Ii (Don'T Turn Your Back On Me) 歌词 博凌科为 的 pBS-T II 快速连接试剂盒 博凌科为 的 pBS-T II 快速克隆试剂盒 在句子中填上will('II)或won't.1.Don't drink coffee before you goto bed.You______sleep.2.A:Are you ready yet?B:No yet,I_____be ready in five minutes.3.I'm going away for a few days.I'm leaving tonight,so I_____be at home tomorrow.4.It_____rain,s 货梯(2T)4层4站1m/s梯型HOPE-IIG.全包价?客梯(1.05T)23层23站2m/s梯型LEHY-II 全包价? matlab中for循环语句陷入死循环,知道怎么回事的帮一下,代码如下:T=X; %X为20*30*40的矩阵for ii=1:40for j=1:40b{ii}=T(:,:,ii);Mj=b{ii};Zj=Mj;xll=20.5;yll=57.5;cellsize=0.03;NODATA_value=-9999;ascWrite('Mj.asc',xll,yll,cellsize 1___________?(she,nice) yes, she is 2___________?(he,five) No,he isn't I am in Number There,Row Five.She is iI am in Number There,Row Five.She is in Number There .Row Six.(翻译这里) 复数z满足Iz+iI+Iz-iI=2,求Iz+1+iI的最大值与最小值 复数z满足Iz+iI+Iz-iI=2,求Iz+1+iI的最大值与最小值 II的1-5题答案