请问这句话怎么翻呢Where fitted,hydraulic,pneumatic,spring-loaded or mechanical door closing mechanisms shall becapable of maintaining doors in the closed position while the vehicle is subject to forces normally experienced in transit.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/12 01:15:34
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请问这句话怎么翻呢Where fitted,hydraulic,pneumatic,spring-loaded or mechanical door closing mechanisms shall becapable of maintaining doors in the closed position while the vehicle is subject to forces normally experienced in transit. 我就是你所等待的这个人,请问这句话怎么翻译成英语句子呢? where can i wash my hands?书上说这句话翻译成:请问洗手间在哪?但是,我感觉洗手的话不一定要在洗手间,厨房之类有水的都可以,那么我应该怎么表达那里可以洗手这个意思,让对方明白呢. 请问 “以绍兴纺织业为例”这句话翻译成英文怎么翻? where does the acorn fall?电影中看到这句话,翻译成有其父必有其子,感觉不怎么合适啊,但是又不知道该怎么翻?谁会麻烦翻一下~ where is the love这句话翻译成中文是什么意思? where have you been?这句话怎么翻译 been该怎么翻 如果遇到类似的句子应该怎么去翻? I am no where.I am now here .请问怎么翻译这句话 请问这句话怎么翻译Where you could stay and these safe hands could go Where did you get that from?请问这句话怎么翻译? “每天给你做好吃的” 请问这句话翻译成英文怎么翻译呢,因为是广告词,希望能专业温馨一点! i have just arrived buy train请问,这句话怎么能翻译成,我刚下火车呢.我翻译是我刚上火车. 英语翻译XXX(国家名)拥有适宜的气候和世界第一的绿化率.请问这句话怎么翻译成英文呢? 英语翻译如果你没有品尝过它们,你就不算到过XXX(国家的名字).请问这句话怎么翻译成英语呢? 英语翻译这句话怎么翻? 改善工作的快乐之道在于心态 请问这句话翻译成英语怎么说呢? where is all the food?这句话里的all表示什么意思?整句话该怎么翻译呢? Where they come from,where should they return 这句话翻成中文是什么意思?