5.Something has to be done ____ the recent rise in unemployment.A.to counter B.to count C.to account D.to encounter6.The party leader is an extreme left-winger,but his deputy is more____in his views.A.modest B.moderate C.monitor D.modern12.Friendly _

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 11:03:20
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Bao Yuyao has()to tell you ..A、something important B、important something C、some thing important o f all the questions in this paper ,the second question ______with pollution was the most difficult.A.which has something to do B.has something to do C.that has something to do D.that has anything to do Let's ______ something to eat.A.to have.B.having.C.have.D.has Jack is coming back here to _____ something to eat.A.has B.have C.had The teacher has () to tell us.A.sonething else.B.other something C.else something D.angthing else I——better find something to eat A.has B.should C.had D.must 代词英语3.___is wrong with my watch.It has stopped_____.A.Something,working B.Something,to work C.Anything,working D.Anything ,to work ____is wrong with my watch .It has stooped___A.something working B.something to work C.Any thing working D.Anything to work Only recently----to deal with the environmental problems.A something has doneB has something doneC has something been doneD something has been done原因、翻译 He has seen ___ something from the shop .A.steal B.to steal C.to be stolen D.stealed Our class teather says he has ___ to tell us.A.important something B.anything important C.something important D.important anything This is professor Smith,_____ i think has something interesting to tell you.a.who b.whomThis is professor Smith,_____ i think has something interesting to tell you.a.who b.whom 39.What you said just now____ the matter we are discussing.  A.have something to at B.has something to do with  C.had something to do with D.has been something to do with为什么选A 为什么要to at i'm not sure whether he has ______ to do with it.A.anything B.something C.nothing If prices rise too high ,the goverment has to do something ____it A.stop B.stopped C.stoppingDto it has something to do with the part electricity — in our lifeA plays B gives C takes D makes It has something to do with the part electricity___in our life.A.take B.played C.takes D.plays He has ______ to tell us.A.somehing else B.anything else C.else something D.else anything