
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 04:51:52
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species的意思是什么? species的意思是什么?3Q kind与species的区别,species的复数形式是什么 across species的意思及造句是? immunogen species什么意思 物理上的species是什么意思 two-part species counterpoint什么意思 生物物种的定义是什么英文是living species,这个是如何定义的? the amazon rain forest is home to many species of life found nowhere else.请翻译随便赐教found now else 的意思 via phoresy是什么意思relationship in which one organism transports another organism of a different species中文翻译过来是什么我想问的是这个名词的中文翻译, how many endangered species are there in China英语版的 “(true species)真种”是什么意思?问问懂生物的朋友 keystone species index species,indicator species是什么意思 单复数同行的词都是集体名词吗?The species is[are] valuable.这一物种很珍贵.比如前面这句,species是单复数同行的词,这里为什么可以用is和are各代表什么意思啊? 这句话的原型是什么啊?Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biological diversity,the number of species in a particular ecosystem,to the health of the Severing certain relationships can set into motion a series of extinctions that ultimately might endanger our own survival as a species.这句话的意思大概明白,但是sevring是什么意思?By what standard,then,should we decide...这个是倒 英语强人来,非强人勿进1.more or less:“或多或少”的意思,请问more and less一否一样?2.翻译下句:It does not discuss more and less aggressive species or relative development of the xxx.