汉译英,找错误.三句话,拒绝软件帝麻烦帮我翻译以下三句话,不要软件的.并帮我找出语法上的错误.i think we needn't to continue to chat and keep touch.i can't understand that are there any reasons can be your excuses t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 09:33:40
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汉译英,找错误.三句话,拒绝软件帝麻烦帮我翻译以下三句话,不要软件的.并帮我找出语法上的错误.i think we needn't to continue to chat and keep touch.i can't understand that are there any reasons can be your excuses t My sister like shopping very much.这句话中有一处是错误,请你帮我找出来 I like shop in the shopping mall.这句话中有一处是错误,请你帮我找出来 They didn't called their friends.这句话中有一处是错误,请你帮我找出来 The kitchen is very messy last night.这句话中有一处是错误,请你帮我找出来 帮我找一下窗帘设计软件, 英语高手麻烦帮我翻译下这句话成英语:麻烦,不会英语找词典.谢谢了、就翻译下面这句:麻烦,不会英语找词典. 英语翻译拒绝软件翻译! 紧急,一句英文求翻译,( The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read.) 拒绝用软件什么的翻译,各位大神麻烦把这句话翻译成中文! Long long ago,there is an old king in the country.这句话中有一处是错误,请你帮我找出来 帮我找一下一些只有无句话的英语作文,只有无句英语组成的作文,麻烦! 请帮我找个电子英语词典的软件! I'm interesting in the interesting book.找错误只有一处错误,麻烦找出来 英语拒绝邀请麻烦哪位高手能帮我写篇拒绝邀请的英文信,没有场景限制,拒绝任何邀请都行.大概高一水平就好. 用英语翻译 当别人有麻烦时,你拒绝帮他们是不礼貌的 我对他的请求不好拒绝这句话怎么翻译啊?不要用翻译软件,我试过了. They didn't called their friends.这句话中有一处是错误,请你帮我找出来并说明为什么要改成这个单词 After dinner,jessica watches TV at Sunday evening.同学们,在这句话中有一个错误,请大家帮我找出来,并订正! thank you!