schools are paid for _ tax money. A:from B:by C:on选什么,为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 15:08:44
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schools are paid for _ tax money. A:from B:by C:on选什么,为什么 The cost of sales makes up a large part of the prices that _____.A.are paid for all products B.all products are paid C.for which all products are paid D.for all products paid The programs are paid for by the Government and by gifts from citizens and companies..are paid for by the Government ...怎么for直接接着by? 英语翻译what are the benefits of holding official matches for schools? As a rule,the workers are paid for the hour.将for改成什么才对? paid .for等于什么? Some of those workers are paid for weekly.改错,哪处错了?在线等哦!~~ :children are p____ for doing some housework为什么填paid.是pay的过去式吗 these shirt are i_____ I only paid 100yuan for them the conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop.这句话改怎么理解,skills have to be paid for in the same way,这里的for是什么作用,还有 goods are paid for at a shop There are many d___between Chinese schools and American schools 2.Most schools in China are __________ schools.(mix) are most schools in your country M() schools 英语翻译In Britian,public schools are private schools.They are paid by parents.Children usually live as well as study there.They usually have good academic atandards and are attended by children from the upper class and/or wealthy background.Famo paid for paid for doing这个短语是什么意思怎么用? In the American high schools,the students are usually the ones who move to different classrooms for different subjects. children are paid for their housework so that they can learn how to make money for their own use. be paid for 什么意思?