看一下这段中有什么语法问题?A:What is this?B:It’s a machine to drawing for us.A:Really?B:How cool it is!It’s made of plastic.It’s light and cheap.A:It’s usefull.I’m weak in drawing.But now,I think I will become love drawing but

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 13:10:59
xT]OP+/Wt,HLܭ7\ugk=un"q3@BĀ$2BpŴ]/|i7AB4^yyi˳5W{kQ;pg?{~ Zs3&` L˝[ɈmaZsHbs%Gow_uk*5U:.+JU$T"\z-6+ 7
看一下这段中有什么语法问题?A:What is this?B:It’s a machine to drawing for us.A:Really?B:How cool it is!It’s made of plastic.It’s light and cheap.A:It’s usefull.I’m weak in drawing.But now,I think I will become love drawing but what a day.这句话语法有问题么? 请帮我看一下我这二句英文语法有问题吗?She seems to be a Barbie girl.It seems that she is a Barbie gir. What a nice day!内存语法---What a nice day!Shall we go out for a picnic?---________!A.Well done B.Good luck C.Good idea如何解,并且有内存有什么语法,帮我想一下, What honesty to our society is just like what blood vessel to a man's body这句话有什么语法问题吗如题 帮忙看一下这篇英语作文有没有语法问题 英语基础很差,现在初二了,单词自己可以追上,多少语法不会,也不知道看什么语法书,推荐一下初中的语法看什么书. 看下面的句子,说说这是英语的什么语法现象?My friend said he knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith. So I asked him,What was the name of his other leg?问题: a man with a wooden leg named Smith:1.一个名叫Smith的人有 求帮忙看一下小弟的英语作文,有什么语法,用词错误的请指示修改下.3QDear sir,I’m a student at Ningbo University .On summer vacation ,I have a lots of time to do something what I like to do.I think I should have a part-time j 帮我看一下这段英语对话的语法有什么要修改的吗?A:do you think they will find life on Mars?B:i don´t know ,but someone tell me :they´ll fin life on Mars .what do you think about this A:i´m not sure if that´s tru what wouldn't he give now for a message from Hogwarts?这句话用了什么语法?详细分析一下这个句子中的用法 有一个英语语法问题.提问一下详情看问题补充.Long time ago,there is a king.这一句语法有没有错?我用在线翻译是没错的,不过答案是:Long time ago,there was a king. What a day!语法对么 看一下我写的这两段英语短文对不对有没有语法及常识性错误,有什么可以改正的,Not so far,I walked into a chinese restaurant for supper.when I got the meun of this restaurant,I still have no idea what to eat.I like the spe 帮我看一下这句英语有没有语法问题?I usually go to school about 8 o'clock. 谁能帮我分析一下这个句子的语法和构成 Do me the courtesy of listening to what I have to sayDo me the courtesy of listening to what I have to say 这句话里面那个是主语 用了什么语法?我怎么看一起特别糊涂呢,难 看一下这个句子是否有语法问题During the three years,I took part in various students’ activities,played the role of a student leader successfully and delivered many speeches concerning “learning experience” in our faculty. 帮我看一下这段英语对话的语法需要修改么?A:hi,xxx I heard that next Monday is xx’s birthday.What can we do for her?B:How about hold a party for her,and she’ll be surprised in that.A:oh,that’s a good idea!But what are we prepari