连线1.cheerful a.active2.dull b.happy3.lively c.noise4.din d.uninteresting5.hate e.quiet6.noisy f.different7.bored g.love8.similar h.interested

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 05:28:45
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连线1.cheerful a.active2.dull b.happy3.lively c.noise4.din d.uninteresting5.hate e.quiet6.noisy f.different7.bored g.love8.similar h.interested what horrible weather!but i have a cheerful mood. 这些句子的英语句型语法1.first,itidentifies important need categories,which can help managers create effective positive reinforcers2.Although productive employee appear to do a seemingly limitless number of things,most ofthe important activ Tom____his father ,because they both are cheerful and easygoing.A looks like B takes after thank u today.what a cheerful one.u two i love deeply是什么意思 A man he seems of cheerful yesterdays and confident tomorrows应该有多种翻译吧?.急```` 连线, called into a broadcast是广播连线?还是电视连线? cheerful的副词形式 请帮忙由英译成中,Red wine make me joyful and cheerful,give me a warm feeling to enjoy. Kitty sat in the big armchair----- and enjoyed watching the match on TV A.comfortabalyB.conveniently C.suddenly D.cheerful It was really a ( ) party.We all sang and danced and enjoyed ourselves.and view cheerful when downstairs /那个啊 已知点M(3,a)N(b,-1)根据下列条件求ab值1.MN两点连线平行于Y轴2.MN两点连线 这句英语应该如何正确理解?What professional groups are you a member of,and how activ主要是前半句如何正确理解?能举例说明一下这种句型吗?What professional groups are you a member of, 连线题 3题1.增加 a.友谊2.增进 b.才干3.增添 c.收入 英语翻译Revicon Forte Tablet is a nutritional supplement that provides essential vitamins,minerals and amino acids for general good haelth, to help fight off fatigue and improve stamina during prolonged physical activ pleasant和cheerful的区别 cheerful!surprise中文翻译是什么字