electron energy 还有angular momentum quantum number和sublevel

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 07:24:30
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electron energy 还有angular momentum quantum number和sublevel 英语翻译The light emitted by an electron moving from a higher to a lower energy level has a frequency directly proportional to the enegy change of the electron. For an electron in a circle with diameter of 2 Å,Find the wave-functions and energy levels. 一道生物关于还原剂的题The molecule that functions as the reducing agent (electron donor) in an oxidation-reduction reactionA) gains electrons and gains energy.B) loses electrons and loses energy.C) gains electrons and loses energy.D) loses 想请教一道化学的判断题When an atom has an excited electron drop to a lower available energy state,it emits energy in the form of a photonTrue or False 关于 主量子数n 和 副量子数l An electron is in 5d state in hydrogen笔记上写是 n=5 ,l=2到底怎么找 主量子数n 和 副量子数l 元素周期表那里怎么看的?An electron is in 5d state in hydrogen,calculate the energy of t 几个术语:energy shell,shape,subshell分别是什么意思?An element in the s area of row n has outer electrons in the ns subshell.outer electron是第几层?和价电子有什么关系? If an electron loses 2.5E-15 J of energy in travelling from the cathode to the screen in a home computer,across what potential difference must it travel? 比较第一电离能大小,钠和锂,为什么钠低?除了看元素周期表还有其他方法么?我要文字解释.Li has 1 valence electron to remove 1st electron is harder so higher energy is needed.如果不对,那这个回答是什么问题 我粗略翻译一下一个电子拥有3.24eV动能.求波长(nm)一个光子拥有3.24eV动能.求波长(nm) 原题:(a) An electron has a kinetic energy of 3.24 eV.Find its wavelength. nm(b) A photon has energy 3.24 eV.Find its wavelength. an intensive burst of energy 又一道物理题,英文版,Consider an electron trapped in an infinite well whose width is 98.5pm .If it is in a state with n=15,what are (a)its energy(b)The uncertainty in its momentum(c)The uncertainty in its position.最好有个方程,好看 初等核物理题目高中水平关于动能及波长.我粗略翻译一下一个电子拥有3.24eV动能.求波长(nm)一个光子拥有3.24eV动能.求波长(nm) 原题:(a) An electron has a kinetic energy of 3.24 eV.Find its wavelength. 离域能,成键能,电子结合能的区别物化HMO部分的一个概念问题:Distinguish between delocalization energy,π-electron binding energy,and π-bond formation energy.离域能我大概知道是什么,也知道怎么算,可是另外两 英语翻译The nuclear charge experienced by an electron is reduced by shielding by other electrons energy energy Energy