请帮忙翻译的通顺一些Are you ready to learn your ABCs?A is for the airplane, above the clouds so high sowing and sing, like a big bird in sky B is for a bunny, but it doesn’t cut his tail, he goes cipety hup hup hup, a longer bunny trail.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 14:33:01
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请帮忙翻译的通顺一些Are you ready to learn your ABCs?A is for the airplane, above the clouds so high sowing and sing, like a big bird in sky B is for a bunny, but it doesn’t cut his tail, he goes cipety hup hup hup, a longer bunny trail. 请大家帮忙翻译一下ONLY LOVE(唯一的爱)这首歌Two AM and the rain is fallingHere we are at the crossroads once againYou're telling me you're so confusedYou can't make up your mindIs this meant to beYou're asking me 请帮忙翻译 You are a chicken. 什么意思? when you are round other people 请帮忙翻译下 You're on a roll.请高手帮忙翻译一下此句话应该为何意? 英语翻译并做出回答 翻译的通顺一些!小弟刚学 1,Are you ever worried?If so,why?2,When were you last embarrassed?3,Whose party were you last invited to?And when was it?并做出回答 翻译的通顺一些!难道就没一个人理 Sorry ,you're out 请帮翻译? Chances are you're attracted to the value and reliability associated with the brand value it gives.这个句子是主系表结构吗?还是Chances are是个固定用法?请帮忙翻译整句,并分析一下结构. Are You Saying What You Think You’re Saying翻译 you are ever in my effection帮我翻译一下,要语句通顺并且连贯的 you're和you are的区别 请帮我翻译一下,我明白大概意思,希望能够给我个标准的答案That you are not alone,Fou i am here with you.Though you're far away, i am here to saty.You are not alone,i am here with you.Though we're far apart,You're always in my he 请翻译一下come on honey,Magic you are的原意 请顺便帮忙想一下是否还有其他含义 you are welcome = you're welcome 3Qyou are welcome = you're welcome 如果相等的话、那为什么我翻译you are welcome 的时候 、中文是 欢迎你 .而 you're welcome 的中文是 不用谢 翻译I suppose you're not serious,are you 英语翻译请帮忙翻译一个You're a good man,thanks for not seeing me,ignore me people have ever come across,so they are very afraid to see a stranger,but Uncle exception! 英语翻译请翻译通顺. im so glad that you like it and that it fascinates you...请翻译的通顺一点,翻译那句话