看看ROSS的这句话是什么意思?Phoebe:Listen,I wanted to ask you something about marriage.Ross:Oh great now you're seeking me out to make jokes?I mean I can see for all hanging out but to come to my home!Phoebe:No...i really wanted to know how

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 04:50:29
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看看ROSS的这句话是什么意思?Phoebe:Listen,I wanted to ask you something about marriage.Ross:Oh great now you're seeking me out to make jokes?I mean I can see for all hanging out but to come to my home!Phoebe:No...i really wanted to know how Mark Ross的中文名是什么意思 英语单词[ROSS]是什么意思 ross-talk是什么意思As well,certain reports have suggested that there is a ross-talk between Akt and NF-κB.只用说明ross-talk在这句话中翻译成中文是什么?写错了,应该是cross-talk,少写了一个c 老友记中ross讲话时候经常两只手指作出像小兔子一样的动作,这是什么意思 ross, I was allowed to have my own way in everythingway在这句话里是什么意思?(看下面那句)看看看看看看看看看 看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看看way在这句话里是什么意思? 想问一下一个美语里的地道表达(用法).我看老友记有个表达是这样的 Ross,with his over-pronouncing every single word里的over-pronouncing在这句话里是什么意思啊?第二个问题就是 with that snort when she laug 谁能告诉我ROSS)是什么意思啊 It takes brass-balls to sell real estate.这句话的意思.这句话是和电影《Glengarry Glen Ross Reviews》有关,其实主要是想问这个brass-balls引申什么,在别的地方看到有用,难以参透.球解~ 帮我看看这句话是什么意思?就是还珠格格里面的那句 山无棱 天地合 才敢与君绝, Multiple orgasms有什么好笑的?为什么Ross说这句话引起了大家的哄笑?Orgasm这个词的意思我当然明白.多重高潮就会引起哄笑?请给出合理的解释,不要望文生义,牵强附会. “Friends 506里的一句话Emily thinks Ross's furniture has got Rachel coodies 味道.请问coody到底是什么意思? easy-pour you let me go grocery shopping,and I buy laundry detergent,but it's not the one with the easy-pour spout,这句话是ross说的,六人行里的,请指教 六人行中ROSS扮演者的介绍 ROSS COPPERMAN的all she wrote中文歌词 算命 这句话的意思?早年做事难成心 辛苦最是尽绵空 苦心竭力立家计 后交好运喜前程谁能看看这句话是什么意思? who you got it narrowed down to 这句话怎么理解?原文Ross:Okay,I've got three of my five.Rachel:Three of your five,what?Ross:Celebrities I'm allowed to sleep with.Rachel:Oh my God!You are giving this a lot of thought.Ross:Yeah,it's hard okay,o