这句反意疑问句怎么答?You didn't know I was an artist,did you ?你不知道我是个画家,是吗?想说“不,我知道”和“对,我不知道”分别怎么答?顺便讲讲为什么这么回答.谢.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 01:56:14
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这句反意疑问句怎么答?You didn't know I was an artist,did you ?你不知道我是个画家,是吗?想说“不,我知道”和“对,我不知道”分别怎么答?顺便讲讲为什么这么回答.谢. You didn't like football much when we were at school,did you?A Yes I did B No I did C No,I didn't D Yes,I didn't反义疑问句怎么回答 反义疑问句:you didn't do it,____ ____RT You didn't study French last year.(附加反义疑问句) Didn't you know?No,I didn't.答句应该怎么翻译 英语中的used to do 的否定式还有疑问句怎么变换 是“didn‘t use to do”“did you used to”吗 i didn't have any friends.改疑问句否定句改疑问句怎么改? --Alice,you feed the bird today,____?-But I fed it yesterday. A.do youB.will youC.didn `t you怎么看出you feed the bird today这是一个祈使句,再讲一下祈使句反义疑问句的相关知识好吗? You must have met her yesterday的反意疑问句为什么是didn't it You used to be short 的反义疑问句是You used to be short,didn't you You used to be really shy的反义疑问句是什么,是didn't you还是weren't you,为什么 有关英语反意疑问句的怎么回答?例:1)You play basketball,don't you?2)She didn't come to school yesterday,did she?两句都要两种答案(肯与否),谢最好说说要领以及 的中文翻译 反意疑问句应该怎么回答?例如You saw him yesterday,didn't you?Yes,I did.Yes,I did应该意为“不,没有”还是“是,我见过他” I like you.怎么变为反义疑问句 you are 变为一般疑问句怎么弄 反义疑问句;You didn't eat,did you?Yes,I did(这个应该表示吃过了吧?)No,I didn't(应该表示没吃吧? 反义疑问句.例如:I didn't think she could win,后面该怎么改? He didn't watch TV yesterday改成一般疑问句怎么改?