如果提问是who is 那回答的一定是单数吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 04:09:35
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如果提问是who is 那回答的一定是单数吗? They go to school at 7 o'clock.(they划线部分提问)用who是一定的,那后面怎样?A.Who go------ B.Who goes------书上的例句是:Who has a bicycle?Six girls have a bicycle. who are my who is my love是谁是我的爱那如果是两个人的话,who are my love是正确的语法吗? 有关特殊疑问句的陈述语序对主语提问 用陈述语气的话 那比如 who is the man 不应该是 who the man is 吗 从句里 陈述语序时也用的是who the man is 啊 Who is Jackie Chan的回答那写He is an actor.是对的吗?那He is ChengLong.可以吗 have的单三形式是?如果回答的准确, Who is this 是正确的句子吗?怎么回答? which问句的回答单复数根据问句中的单复数吗如问which one 回答一定是单数吗? how far和how long的区别如果回答是:About 5minutes' walk那提问用哪个啊? It is Pat who will do all the work. 句中it是主语吗?那如果出1道题目问我这句句子的主语是哪个,我应该怎么回答? ? salad 和ice cream的单复数用法是怎样的?salad和ice cream是可数也是不可数名词,做沙拉和冰淇凌讲是不可数名词 ,做种类讲时才是可数名词,只种说法是对的吗?如果回答提问What is this?正确回答是It's He is the only one of the students ___late this morning.A.who was B.who were C.that were D.whom wa为什么不选that?如果只是单复数的原因,那如果有 that was 这个选项,应该选哪个?D选项是 whom was who is it提问如果是想要问谁但是又不知道对方是男是女(因为要提问啊)那是用 who is he 还是who is she? Who is the man?为什么回答 I know who is that man 是错的?Who is the man?为什么回答 I know who is that man 是错的?要怎么回答? Who has 和Who have 的区别.如:Peter has a black bag.对划线部分(Peter)提问.是要用Who has 还是 Who have Who has 和Who have是在主语(Peter)还是在宾语(a black bag)上区别?如果 是 Peter has black bags.那还是 Who is the tallest boy in the team?这样的应该怎样回答?如果我想回答说是TOM,英语中的句式是怎样? 以who为开头的句子,如果回答是'我,那用英语怎么说?应该是me 还是I .如果是I,那为什么说”me ,too如果是me,为什么不用I who is that speaking?为什么回答是This is...speaking