the shop closed要不要被动语态啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:38:55
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the shop closed要不要被动语态啊 The shop is closed.翻译 I found the door of the shop closed.为什么能这样啊,这是什么格式,被动时态不用BE吗 I think the shop is closed now.为什么填closed The shop closed 同义句the shop is not ( ) 分析The shop is closed few the holidays 这个The shop is closed from one till two The shop is closed now 同义句转换 the shop ? at six every daya is closingb closesc closed The shop closed two hours ago ? 的同意句. The shop closed last month.疑问:shop是不可能自己关上的吧,怎么这里不用被动态呢?真是一楼所说的那样吗?大家还有什么意见居然有三种意见,我该信谁啊! the floor needs _____(clean) 要不要用被动语态 I think the shop is closed now. 为什么填closed 快 the school shop,__customers are mainly students ,is closed for the hoildays.A which Bwhose CwhenD where 要分析 the shop is closed from ````to ````还是the shop closes from````to```还是两者都可以? 1) The shop closed two hours ago.The shop has been closed for two hours .这题的has been closed 的1) The shop closed two hours ago.The shop has been closed for two hours .这题的has been closed 的 closed 用过去式代表的是原句的过去 请翻译:The library closed down on the idea.不明白哦,还有close down要被动吗? the shop will___in a deep closed还是close我记得我学的时候是:商店关门不用被动语态,那么这句话为什么选第一个(答案给的).请说明原因,