帮我看看我的英语作文有哪些问题?请指出并修改!when professor entered the classroom,The words "welcome resume professor"on the blackboard draw professo's attention.professor had been injured in a car accident,and had had several tim

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 02:03:51
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帮我看看我的英语作文有哪些问题?请指出并修改!when professor entered the classroom,The words welcome resume professoron the blackboard draw professo's attention.professor had been injured in a car accident,and had had several tim 求帮看看这个英语作文有没有错误 有的话请指出并改正一下 初三英语作文,请帮我看看有没有毛病? 请大家帮我看看英语作文有没有错误 英语作文,帮我看看这是作文中的一段话,帮我稍微改改,有什么语法问题请指出,作文是关于邀请信的,we hold this party.For one thing,that day is the birthday of our tutor and we will invite him also at that time ;for an 请帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有错误的地方 请帮我看看我的这篇英语作文有基本的语法错误吗?并指出不足之处!Why not go to West Hill for a picnic this Sunday Sure!Xiaoxiao and me are going to West Hill for a picnic this Sunday .Xiaoxiao will take something to eat ,such 请雅思大神帮我看看我写的这篇英语作文我感觉自己存在很多问题,请大神帮我看看,我的语法有没有问题,自己写的从句有没有问题,词汇用法有错误么.该删去些什么该添加什么.还有我的段落 帮我看看作文写的如何,帮我指出错误谢谢了 帮我看看我写的这个句子有没有问题!(我在写作文) 选错哦, 请帮我看看我的问题追加, 谢谢 请帮我看看我写的雅思作文,并请指出其中的问题,最后按照评分标准给个分数.TASK:Some teachers say students should be organized into groups to study.Others argue students should study alone.What is your opinion?ANSWER:In thi 能不能帮我看看这篇作文的问题, 能不能帮我看看这篇作文的问题, 英语作文,有没有高手帮我看看语法错误 帮我看看我这篇英语作文有没有语法上的错误 帮忙看看这几句英语对不对.这是我作文里的几句,不敢确定对不对,请高手帮忙看看有没有什么语法错误,若有,清指出并作讲解,谢谢.1.Eating is also important in health.2.He is lovely but handsome. 帮忙看看这几句英语对不对.这是我作文里的几句,不敢确定对不对,请高手帮忙看看有没有什么语法错误,若有,清指出并作讲解,1.It is more interesting that seeing the film .And the film may make things simply to