几道英语首字母已给填空1.Our friendship is p_____2.Tom is very happy, becaue he s_________in the competition3.——What are you doing? ——I am listening to the English news p_________4.The building has fallen down and it must be r

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:14:52
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英语填空题,首字母已给, 英语 缺词填空,首字母已给 几道英语首字母已给填空1.Our friendship is p_____2.Tom is very happy, becaue he s_________in the competition3.——What are you doing? ——I am listening to the English news p_________4.The building has fallen down and it must be r 请帮忙已给首字母填空. 英语填空题,首字母已给B_____ your knees,but keep your back straight. 几道初三英语单选和按首字母填空 几道初三英语单选和按首字母填空 填空 首字母已给出 初三英语首字母填空采纳给分 英语根据所给单词首字母填空 几道英语填空题,给好评 英语短文填空{单词首字母已给}谢谢了,大神帮忙啊We often like to p______this game in our classroom.We sit in a circle on our chairs.The teacher gives o______of us a big red flower.The teacher says“Behin!”She beats{敲}a d______a 几道英语填空,(在横线内填入合适的词,使其通顺,首字母已给.)The food in the restaurant is cheap and g_____.In a few weeks his restaurant is always full of men with t_____.Eery time a gentleman comes i______with a lady,a smili 英语填空【已给第一个字母】 首字母填空给好评 Let's b______ our class,girls and boys 首字母已给 几道简单的首字母英语填空~1、We can see red l_____ around Fragrant Hills when the fall comes.2.Our basketball team won the f______ at the end.3.In the end,the doctors saved thier l_____. 一篇英语文章(缺词填空,首字母已给)各位帮帮忙,想一想in the universe,there is the Earth,the moon,the sun,the stars and all o____ things too far away to see.the Earth is one of the sun's planets,and the moon is our satellite.th