不是think要否定转移吗?那么Some little kids think they don`t get enough gifts.这句话为什么没否定转移这么说否定转移不是必须转移了?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:58:01
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不是think要否定转移吗?那么Some little kids think they don`t get enough gifts.这句话为什么没否定转移这么说否定转移不是必须转移了? she thinks it dosenot right不是说think否定要转移到主句上来吗? You don't think I have made mistakes .这句话也是否定转移吗?第二人称是不是也是否定转移 什么词语需要否定转移?除了think He didn't think he could pass the exam.反意疑问句是did he?还是didn't he?为什么?我看别人的答案都是did he?这个句子不是否定转移了吗,为什么这个反意疑问句要按主句的否定形式写?I don't think he will pass t think的否定句some要改成any吗例如 I think he has some money 改否定句 我们老师说是I don't think he has some money.但今天做到一道题.think we need some apples,too.改否定句老师又说是I don't think we need any apples,eit 英语翻译Spiders are not insects,as many people think.据说as有否定转移,那么这句话怎么翻译? 除了含有think的句子要否定转移,还有哪些些? think,believe,suppose,expect+宾语从句的否定转移是必须的吗 he doesn't think she is right,的反意疑问句既然是否定转移,那么主句变成he think.,反意疑问就是doesn't he 什么时候英语否定转移看到书上的 有的否定转移 I don't think you are tall I think you aren't tall 这两种一个是否定转移一个没有到底该不该否定转移?什么时候否定转移? 英语翻译II do not think so .是否定转移码 对于believe,think, suppose等词否定转移的用法不是太清楚,烦请高人指点,不胜感激.它们的否定转移用法是只适用于第一人称吗?如果是第三人称呢?而它们的反意疑问句又分别该怎样用?谢谢! 有否定转移的词就能做插入语吗?比如think, believe, suppose, expect, guess, fancy, feel, imagine?这个结论对不对? 有否定转移的词就能做插入语吗?比如think,believe,suppose,expect,guess,fancy,feel,imagine? think 的否定转移She thinks it will rain tomorrow.怎样改否定句 I think math is not as interesting as English有语法错误吗,这与think的否定转移有关系吗 I think he has some money否定句可改为I think he has no any money吗