英语翻译Hi li yan .look at this horse Oh,what a fine horse It's my best friend.look ,there is a baby horse over there we don't call it a horse in english we call it a foallook what's this in english why,it's a cow is that a cow over thereno,we ca

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 14:58:33
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英语翻译Hi li yan .look at this horse Oh,what a fine horse It's my best friend.look ,there is a baby horse over there we don't call it a horse in english we call it a foallook what's this in english why,it's a cow is that a cow over thereno,we ca 根据表格信息编写对话Wang Yan:Hi,Li Hong!Did you have a good holiday?Li Hong:Yes.Wang Yan:________________________________Li Hong:___________________________________Wang Yan:________________________________Li Hong:___________________________ Li Yan的名词所有格 英语翻译/hIə//'li:də//'stiu:dənt/ Li Yan is good at ( ) (skateLi Yan is good at ( ) (skate). Li Yan has a red dress.变为一般疑问句 This is Li Yan speaking.(划线为Li Yan)可不可以用May I speak to Miss Liu,please? 重新排列下列句子,使之成为完整对话1.Hi,Li Ming!Nice to meet you.2.Yes.Please come in and sit down.3.Hi,Ann.Nice to see you,too.4.Good afternoon,Mr s5.OK.Look,what's this?6.Hi,Li Ming!How are you 7.Ann,this is my friend.Li Ming,this is Look at that( )(he)is Betty's father.括号中填什么These are Chinese book .They( )(we) books.This is Li Yan's mother.Tha's ( )(she) teather.Can you spell ( )(you)name?急用! 英语翻译a na ta wa bei zi mi ..hi to li dei gen ki nei-hai!wa ga li ma xi dei 小学六年级英语课文翻译Hi Lucy, I was glad to get your e-mail.Let me tell you some-thing about my family. My family lives in Kunming.My father is a doctor and my mother……Hi Li Yan, I was tlad to tead your e-mail.Now let me tell yo hi wa da li za do Look,Li Ming is (ski) Li Yan plays the piano after supper.(否定句)Li Yan______ _______ the piano after supper. 把这几个空填上(英语)Li Lei:Oh ,hi,___1__.Jim:Hello,Li Lei .Come and __2___ this ___3___ with me.Li Lei:I can`t .It`s too___4___.Jim:__5___,it isn`t Look ,do it _6___ this.Li Lei:Like this?Jim:Yes ,good.Oh,dear!Li Lei:That`s Uncle Wang`s 英语翻译不要中文式的Yan! 英语填空题!跪求高人帮助!根据情景补全对话,每空一词.A:Hi,BiII!What_______(1)are you in?B:I`m in CIass Three,______(2)Seven.A:Oh,my friend is in Class Three,Grade Seven,______(3).B:What`s_____(4)name?A:Yang Li.B:Yan Hi!My name is Li Yan.i'm a Chinese ( ).Nom i'm a ( ) in No.3 Middle School.In my class,many students like playing ( ).Some boys like soccer.They think it is ( ).Some boys like basketball.They often play it ( ) class.And many girls like ping-pong.They