为什么选d请逐个选项分析,-()John come here tonight?-I am not sure,but he()stay at homeA.may;might B.can;must C.must;might D.can;might

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 22:14:50
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为什么选d请逐个选项分析,-()John come here tonight?-I am not sure,but he()stay at homeA.may;might B.can;must C.must;might D.can;might 为什么选A请逐个选项分析,John,look at the time.()you play the piano at such a last hour?A.must B.can C.may D.need 如图,请逐个分析,为什么选D? 请逐个解答各选项 为什么选abd 这道题为什么选A啊 其他选项为什么正确啊 请逐个帮我分析下 英语问题.为什么选d请逐个选项分析,谢谢.He()have come here yesterday,()he?A.mustn't'did B.douldn't;has C.mustn't;haven't D.would have been able to 为什么选c请逐个选项分析,She()last night,but Ididn't see her.A.can have arrived B.must arrive C.might have arrived D.may arrive 为什么选C请逐个选项分析,Listen!His family must be quarrelling,()?A.mustn't it B.isn't it C.aren't it D.needn't they 为什么选b请逐个选项分析,Tom,you()leave all your clothes on the floor like this!A.wouldn't B.mustn't C.needn't D.may not 为什么选b请逐个选项分析,At last he()finish the work ahead of time.A.could B.was able to C.could have done D.would have been able to He is working hard and wants to_____.A.become writer B.turn an writer C.turn writer D.be writer为什么选C.请逐个分析. 第四题 请逐个分析 为什么选A请逐个选项分析,Alice said she was really busy this week,but I think she()show up at the party if she doesn't have to work overtime on Freday.A.might B.would C.must D.shall 12题...请逐个选项解释 为什么选a,已经排除了C,D选项,请画图分析一下ab A,9:D,请告诉我为什么,逐个分析为什么其他选项错了,特别是9题第2项8题第1项,8.如图所示,两个倾角相同的滑杆上分别套A、B两个圆环,两个圆环上分别用细线悬吊着两个物体C、D,当它们都沿滑 请逐个帮我分析下 Great changes( )place in China in the past 20 years.A.have taken B.have been taken C.took D.would take 请问选哪个?为什么?怎么判断,请逐个分析.谢谢~