关于英语一道题.They enjoy the story ( )by a man.A:wrote B:written C:was written D:write 这里为什么选B不选其他的?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/07 02:26:04
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关于英语一道题.They enjoy the story ( )by a man.A:wrote B:written C:was written D:write 这里为什么选B不选其他的? ?一道英语选择题∶last summer,more than ten people died w___ they were enjoy enjoy themselves at They didn't enjoy themselves at all. 初中英语的一道完型填空题Many British people don't think about the clothes very much,They just like to be comfortable.When they go out to enjoy t(1) they can wear almost anything .At theatres,cinemas and concerts they can put on w(2) they 问几道关于反身代词的英语题1,Many young people teach------(they)korean in china now.2,Many people come for Shanghai Expo and they enjoy-------(they) 一道英语选择,These trees must have been planted three years ago,____?A weren't they B must't theyC didn't they D haven't they 关于英语作文enjoy sports enjoy life请帮我写一篇英语文章,enjoy sports enjoy life!越快越好! 一道英语改错题,帮帮忙,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!They didn't have finished it by last Sunday.为什么didn't have要改成hadn't? 一道英语题,People can stay what they like about me .But i don't care.翻译一下. 一道英语填空题!快速!I enjoy having English classes at school.It's f______ 关于一道初二英语题They wre amazing ,weren't they?Yes, they were.这就话是反义疑问句.答句应该是肯定的,但不是说反义疑问句上,yes翻译为“不”,no翻译为“是”吗?那为什么既然它说是肯定的,还要用y 一道小小的英语题They are brothers.They don't look like each other at all(用 although)合并句子_______________________________________________. 关于一道数学T 一道英语阅读题These days,a new kind of restaurant is becoming popular.People who go there can not only enjoy their meals,they can also enjoy playing computer games and have fun with their family and friends on the Internet.uWink is the res 有一道选择题和几道汉译英,求英语达人帮助.People-----in the countryside often feel they can't enjoy the fun city life.A:living B:live C:to live D:lived还有几个汉译英,1我昨天和TOM一起去理发了2我忘了帮你去图书 一道英语选择题I think they know little about it,_______?A.don‘t they B.do they C.do I D.don't I 一道英语选择题(单选)Are the girls singsing?A.Yes,they areB.No,they aren't they enjoy ( ).(swim)