这句英语怎么理解?it became abundantl clear how complex it has become to work out international agreements relating to the environment because of economic concerns unique to each country.看到这么长的句子就头晕,该怎么来理解这

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 13:04:26
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这句英语怎么理解?it became abundantl clear how complex it has become to work out international agreements relating to the environment because of economic concerns unique to each country.看到这么长的句子就头晕,该怎么来理解这 怎么理解这句英语I GET IT IN TILL SUN RISE DOING 90 IN A 65 英语理解 这句怎么两个动词 怎么理解这句英语It is not so much a matter of comprehension as of having confidence in your brain's ability. 这句英语怎么理解?it is difficult to find a young person who has not herad of TOEFL or GRE主谓宾是什么 It's a no-brainer for you.这句怎么理解? She has been a nurse for five years(改为同义句) It ___ ____ five years since she became a nurse.只有两个空格,该怎么填 几个英语句子理解的问题.1.there were the standard clothing purchases and retocking of school supplies.中的purchases在这怎么理解?2.we purchased a red tackle box and a padlock to go with it.这句中的to go with it怎么理解?3.it w my life as it is 这句怎么理解 英语翻译It became extinct shortly after human contact.it指剑齿虎主要是after human contact应该怎么理解 It's five years since he became a football player(改为同义句) It's five years since he became a football player改为同义句 .About the time that schools and others quite reasonably became interested in seeing to it that all children,whatever their background,were fairly treated,intelligence testing became unpopular.我想问一下这句开头的句子怎么分析?我见 it is ten years since he became a doctor同义句He became a doctor ___ ___ ___ ___.(4条线) rather在句中的意思 这句话要怎么理解It was a soft quiet rather woolly wheeled hector 这句英语怎么怎么理解怎么分析It was way too much fun to take from others ,and to achieve victory I was successful at my job,I work hard.but it offorded me a fabulous lifestyle.句中的but怎么理解,这句话怎样理解 teaching is as much an art as it is a science.大佬这句怎么理解啊,我不是单纯要翻译,那个it is是干嘛的?