遇到不会译的口语了1.You can take your time though.2.I don't want to be the last-minute person next time.3.Freeze.4.He is a serial slasher.He made a move on my sister last year and now he's trying to get me.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 13:20:22
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遇到不会译的口语了1.You can take your time though.2.I don't want to be the last-minute person next time.3.Freeze.4.He is a serial slasher.He made a move on my sister last year and now he's trying to get me. 1.Can you tell me what I should do now?的同义句 2.Why don't you come to join us?的同义句我是一名初二的学生,在做暑假习题时遇到了一点困难, today i do what you don't do,tomorrow i do what you can't do看书时遇到的, 【我不会说英语】的英文【I can't speak English】【I don't read English】【I don't know English】口语中通常用哪种 学英语遇到瓶颈了,到底该怎么学啊?单词背不进去,看文章又一大堆不会的,口语又磕磕绊绊的,烦死了! 求I Can't Fix You的歌词,谢谢了 You can can what you can can,and you can eat what you can't can.的中文含义 You are pointing at somgthing for some who can't see it.遇到这种情况应该说什么? 英语翻译you can't miss it 是你不会错过的那你不能想念它,这句怎么翻译you can't miss it 的意思是你不会错过的但是我想翻译:你不能想念它难道you can't miss it,,,,2种意思都有,,,,你不会错过的 英语翻译 如果你不会说法语 是if you don't 还是can't 雅思口语5分难不难呀?我口语不怎么说,我看了看有的题目,我用中文都不会回答,这样英文怎么办呢.遇到不会说的,不就卡住了.是不是这样5分就很难了?郁闷. It's OK,you can't even see it.这是一句常用口语,It's OK,you can't even see it. 关于英语that用法突然遇到一个句子心中有疑问提出,I'm afraid that I can't get upI'm afraid I can't hear you.为什么一个加THAT 一个不用 这是新概念的句子 You can't miss it的意思 no,you can't.的意思 遇到不会的数学题怎么办 如何运用英语词汇单词也背了不少,遇到大多都认识,但是就是不会应用,一般口语或作文时就想不起来了… no you can't