定语从句介词的用法this is the very place_ I'm washing to live in.我觉得是填where的,但是选项里还有一个in which,觉得两个都可以的;然后又仔细一想,觉得live后面不是跟了介词in么,那么前面就不能有

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 01:54:50
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This is the book+that定语从句 定语从句的“介词前置”用法,到底处于何种逻辑思量?This is the computer on which he spent all his savings.如上,为何不用正常的顺序——This is the computer which he spent all his savings on——而硬要让介词“on 关于定语从句 whom的用法.① whom的用法是什么?This is the house in which Lu Xun once lived。(原句,我不懂什么时候要加介词 我什么时候知道要加 什么时候不加)为什么上面的例句不能是:This is th 定语从句中的一些问题“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在动词的后面.如:Is this the watch which he is looking for?就不能写成Is this the watch for which he is lo 定语从句中the one的用法 the way后定语从句的用法? 定语从句介词的用法this is the very place_ I'm washing to live in.我觉得是填where的,但是选项里还有一个in which,觉得两个都可以的;然后又仔细一想,觉得live后面不是跟了介词in么,那么前面就不能有 定语从句的用法, 定语从句的用法, This is the watch for which Tom is looking.改错语法书上说“which在定语从句中做介词的宾语时,介词可以放在它的前面.” 要是就此而论,这个句子应该是正确的吧! 关于英语定语从句中的介词+关系词的问题This is the pilot by whom my son was saved.这句可不可以改成This is the pilot who my son was saved by.为什么呢?定语从句什么时候介词提前 定语从句this is the man who I am told is responsibleis responsible也算the man的定语吗 The boy you laughed at is my son.The boy at whom you laughed is my son第二句为什么是错的.定语从句的不是有可以介词调前来的用法吗. 定语从句和名词性从句的介词用法请问 The things that we have to concentrate on is important.这个句子里的介词on需要吗 或者pay attention to 的介词to需要写吗?I'm not interested in what you said.这里需要介词in吗? This is the reason which I was late for .这里的引导词能用that吗?若不能,是因为this还是for?也就是问定语从句中介词没有提前能不能用that. 定语从句where和which的用法1.This is the place where the accident took place last night.2.This was the place which i visited last year.为什么第一句用where引导,而第二句却用which? This is the book ______(它的封面是绿色的)要求用定语从句 定语从句 This is the man I met yesterday中省略的是who还是whom