帮我解释下这句话的的语法结构啊!急That point was emphasized by the fact that Gail's parents,after thirty-five years of marriage,were going through a bitter and painful divorce,which had destroyed Gail and for a time had a negative effe

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 21:22:40
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帮我分析下这句话的语法成份,Thank you for giving us so much help.是主系表结构吗? 帮我解释下这句话的的语法结构啊!急That point was emphasized by the fact that Gail's parents,after thirty-five years of marriage,were going through a bitter and painful divorce,which had destroyed Gail and for a time had a negative effe 英语翻译帮我解释下这句话的意思! 帮翻译下句子,解释下句子的结构和语法谢谢 好心人帮我解释下这句话所涉及的语法知识吧~~~Nor can one prevent further advances in the further. 好心人帮我解释下这句话涉及的语法知识吧~Nor can one prevent further advances in the future. I lived in it请帮我翻一下,再帮我分析下这句话的语法 (我在通往幸福的不归路上.)谁帮我解释下这句话? That's the very thing I've been looking for谁帮我分析下这句话的句子成分和语法结构?麻烦详细点.我英语不是很好,很多全忘光了 精艺求精,滴水不漏的意思?请大家帮我全面的解释下这句话的意思, 英语翻译这句话的语法结构分析啊 英语翻译The one thing the Maps app doesn’t have is spoken navigation instructions.参考译文:这款地图软件唯一的欠缺就是没有语音导航指令.这句话的语法结构我看不懂!谁给解释下, 解释下这句话的语法结构.Proposals have been made to increase government regulation of childcare businesses by,for instance. 高手帮我解释下这句话的意思,越详细越好, 清如水 明如镜的理解请帮我解释下这句话和为官之道 I can’t be your prince charming帮我分析下这句话的语法 最好能举例 this here is all there is.请朋友帮我分析下这句话的语法或者句法 The one who offered you a job in Shanghai请帮我分析下这句话的语法,