选择相同的意思Our plane has been circling for a long time.I'm told that the airpost was closed for a while and the things still aren't back to normal.A.An earlier closure has affected the airport's schedule.B.The airport has been closed owing

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:25:36
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选择相同的意思Our plane has been circling for a long time.I'm told that the airpost was closed for a while and the things still aren't back to normal.A.An earlier closure has affected the airport's schedule.B.The airport has been closed owing 选出括号内意思相同或相近的选项1.He'll go there (by plane) next week.A.by the air B.on plane C.on a plane .D.by a plane 2.We all know Africa (is out of) water.A.ia in lack of B.is full of C.run out D.use out 3.The girl (has a sweet Our story has ended 的中文意思 by plane的意思? by a plane的意思 We will travel by plane to and from HongKong.相同的意思We will --plane to and from HongKong.不好意思,中间两格空格 plane 意思 英语句子的意思Our eating habits have changed,as has our way of life.as has 是什么意思? 1. The butterfly has big wings.(意思相同的句子) the plane for beijing的意思 有谁知道tangent plane的意思? .Be quick.Our plane is ( ) at once.A.putting off B.getting off C.turning off D.taking off请翻译ABCD的词组意思 plane和carry中a的发音相同吗? 【英语】请高手看下我这句话有没有语法错误~谢谢!Another effect the car has greater than the plane, as far as i am concerned, is that on our environment.语法上是否有错?总觉得怪怪的~~1.the car has greater than the plane knowledge has changed our destiny 这句话意思是不是知识改变了我们的命运? '/Our this age,has the love,but,does not have'的意思 英语 变一般疑问句1.My plane has two green leaves2.I water it every day3.My plane is tall and strong4.He can see the sprout5.I'm going to plane flower seeds in our garden 我卖的东西价格都很优惠.英文连词成句1.nice plane the looks model2.for the small skirt is you3.trip how your is4..has on afternoon she music tuesday5.teacher fun our is english great