我卖的东西价格都很优惠.英文连词成句1.nice plane the looks model2.for the small skirt is you3.trip how your is4..has on afternoon she music tuesday5.teacher fun our is english great

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:50:17
我卖的东西价格都很优惠.英文连词成句1.nice plane the looks model2.for the small skirt is you3.trip how your is4..has on afternoon she music tuesday5.teacher fun our is english great
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我卖的东西价格都很优惠.英文连词成句1.nice plane the looks model2.for the small skirt is you3.trip how your is4..has on afternoon she music tuesday5.teacher fun our is english great
1.nice plane the looks model
2.for the small skirt is you
3.trip how your is
4..has on afternoon she music tuesday
5.teacher fun our is english great

我卖的东西价格都很优惠.英文连词成句1.nice plane the looks model2.for the small skirt is you3.trip how your is4..has on afternoon she music tuesday5.teacher fun our is english great
The plane model looks nice.
The small skirt is for you.
How is your trip?
She has music on Tuesday afternoon.
Our English teacher is great fun.
The goods I sell are all cheap.

我卖的东西价格都很优惠.英文连词成句1.nice plane the looks model2.for the small skirt is you3.trip how your is4..has on afternoon she music tuesday5.teacher fun our is english great 根据汉语意思补全英文句子,每空一词 .1、这些短裤50美元一条.These shorts are 50 ____ ____ ____ ____.2、我卖的东西价格很优惠.I ____ the things ____ ____ ____ ____.连词成句.1、nice,plane,the,looks,model2、for,the, 我们卖出的所有鞋子价格都很优惠 汉译英 “我们以很优惠的价格出售短裤”的英文怎么说? 英语翻译还有那件蓝色毛衣降价出售25美元.我们有价格优惠的运动鞋.都翻译成英文 他用更少的价格卖到了这个东西,英文怎么说 MAGFORMERS磁力片哪可以卖单个片的,价格优惠一点的?之前在商场有买过一套给儿子,一家人都感觉蛮好玩的,想多增加一些片数,可以拼更多的东西 英文连词成句,小学的is,windy,it,cold,and,fall,in(.)(连词成句) will/a/there/balcony/be/here 连词成句英文问号的连词成句 我不会英语的连词成句, 形容价格优惠的成语 连词成句 【急~快】连词成句:1.获得了 手工 我 的 比赛 冠军 制作___________________________________ 连词成句的最后一句我不会做 连词成句:英文中文都要you,Will,to,come,visit,tomorrow,us? 我们以很优惠的价格卖衣服.【用英语怎么说】 形容看着高档价格却很优惠的词语 教教我连词成句. 连词成句,教我.