lead the way of 后面加名词还是动词ing?lead the way of establishing sth还是lead the way of sth establishment?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:05:29
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lead the way of 后面加名词还是动词ing?lead the way of establishing sth还是lead the way of sth establishment? get in the way of of后面加什么 lead the way Lead The Way 歌词 lead the way for Lead the way,all the way Result in和 lead to后面应该加名词性的吧?能否造句说明? with an old man leading the way,the group of soldiers reached the destination.我想说,这里用leading 而不是lead是因为with后面加动名词的原因吗?还是其他什么原因?还是什么ing表主动 ed表被动啊啥的 说明白点 clear the lead and lead the way怎么翻译 I didn't like the way the furniture was arranged.请问这里the way 后面为什么不加of呢?不加的话是怎么理解的呢? mariah carey 《lead the way》歌词翻译 Let love lead the way!翻译 请问:science and technology changes the way of production 里的science and technology是单数还是复数?书上的一句话后面是:lead the human society to make advance and then make our life more and more convenient. 1 lead the way 2 若要表示带路去北京 后面加什么介词吗?2 our house looks -----a gardena atb ofc ford upon大侠具体分析下 The way people behave is different in different culture and situation.为什么the way 后面不加of?为什么不是 people`s behave? to 后面连用几个动词可以吗?比如the way to decide,paln,organize,lead and conrol.有没有语法错误? in this way,one of the world'favorite drinks was inventeddrink 为什么加s 既然这样,后面为什么用was Very few of the fifty pence pieces and pound coins I have given him have found their way there.”这句话中最后way后面为什么加there