请雅思写作老师给我这篇作文打分!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good spo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 01:16:24
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请雅思写作老师给我这篇作文打分!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good spo 请雅思老师给我这篇作文打分,并给评价!It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a g 请诸位雅思大牛来为这篇作文打分并且详细评分, 请老师给短文打分,并点评, 求作文《我给爸爸打分》我给爸爸打分 请给这篇雅思作文打分.In the present age,international aids are playing increasingly important roles in certain poorer countries’s progress.But in the meantimes,whether giving aids to poorer countires has more adverse impact than positive 请各位给点评打分 雅思作文popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.agree or disagree?Overall ,I agre 请帮忙给我的托福作文打分~请懂托福作文打分的或者作文达人打个分(我指30分满分的那种),因为想知道自己的水平如何,这是我头一次写的两篇(另一篇打不下我重发一个提问),虽然只有 托福写作和雅思写作大小作文各个部分是怎么打分的,评分的标准怎么换算? 有没有雅思强人可以对我写得这篇给点意见打打分吗.我写作一直不太好,也没什么提高.Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Nowadays,p 拜托帮我修改一篇作文《面对规则》我知道这篇作文是今年淮安市的中考作文,我今年也才上初三,我们老师叫我们写这篇作文,给我们打分,他说,扣10分以上的要重写.我扣了16分,老师给我的评 请给这篇初二600字的作文打分,如果满分40分,可以打多少分,请给出中肯的点评,被风吹起夏天今天,星期五,最后一节课我们的语文老师给我们布置一篇作文,题目立“被风吹起的夏天”每次写作 这篇雅思写作题是什么意思?请作简单分析. 您好,请给我发一份慎小嶷《十天突破雅思写作》好吗? 请给打分,满分100 慎小疑老师的~10天突破雅思写作~PDF如果还有的话 请发送给我的邮箱中吧 老师能帮我改篇雅思作文吗 满分50,请给这个片段打分打分 片段:情景交融