请帮我修改一下英语日记.today,i felt so bad.i want to tell someone inside of me of thinking.today morning early i fell a sheep until 10:30 wake up.then i went to work by my motorcycle.i didn't had ample sleep enough.so i couldn't opened my

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 09:08:13
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请帮我修改一下英语日记.today,i felt so bad.i want to tell someone inside of me of thinking.today morning early i fell a sheep until 10:30 wake up.then i went to work by my motorcycle.i didn't had ample sleep enough.so i couldn't opened my 英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 请大神帮我修改下这篇英语日记 这是我儿子的一则日记请帮我修改一下,哪句的语法或时态错误指出来,but i'm not lucky at all,today is first day of september,it also is first day of the new term.but today i'm not happy at all,too.this morning,i got to school 我的一篇英语日记,初中水平我英语不太好,请大家帮我看一下有什么要改的地方谢谢了 Today,I felt a bit glum.Because in the afternoon,when I waked up,I heard my father and my mother was talking about something.My father 请大家帮我看下这句话有没有语法错误.I shall be speaking today about I like the subtle.如果有请帮我修改一下.I shall be speaking today about I like the subtle.和 today I shall be speaking about I like the subtle. 英语翻译请你们帮我一下,写一点英语日记!共20篇! 英语 请帮我修改一下演讲稿中的语法错误,明天要用很着急!Introductionof my friendMorning,ladies and gentlemen.Today,I’ll introduce a friend of mineto you.At the first sight of him,I thought he’s so funny.And at the firstheari 请帮我把这篇英语文章修改一下语法及提下意见,本人师高三学生,英语水平较差,谢谢大家了,别笑我噢:)是一篇关于合理饮食的讲演稿200词左右Keep a good diet Hello everybody! Today,I will talk about th 刚开始学英语,各位来修改一下我的日记,Today is the first day of learning English.The morning I went to the library to borrowed two books.The afternoon I stay at home reading.And now,I am writing diary.It's time to go to bed.Dear,good n 英语句子请帮忙纠错!I pray to god,for the girl whom i love,I hope she is happy for whole her life.有语法上的错误的话 请指出来然后帮我修改一下, 请帮我修改一下这句话好吗? 英语.帮我修改 (急)帮我修改英语日记Todang,I went to play basketball with my friend HuanYiWe are have a lot of fun.Today is a good day.This afternoon ,we come to the YanCheng Teacher's School.There're not a large number of people.We play in the middle of th 找一个英语高手帮我修改一下resume 帮我修改一下英语作文.如今,我学习英语有困难.Today,I have difficulty learning English例如:老师教完新单词,我总是很难记住它们,这让我很苦恼,不知该怎么办?For example:teacher finished a new word,I always d 帮我修改一下这篇英语作文,帮我看看语法吧,Today is Saturday,it’s raining and very cold.I have a friend,she’s Jenny.We at KFC and chat while we eat.At KFC,I saw a student.The student and his friend are having a birthday party.They go shopping英语日记请帮我写一篇关于go shopping的英语日记