英语语法问题,这句句子对吗?it was so big that it was almost 2 times bigger than me

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 11:35:16
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英语语法问题,这句句子对吗?it was so big that it was almost 2 times bigger than me 这句英语语法对吗She was found guilty of molesting her student and having sex with minoritythanks I wrote it. 英语语法--it was...that强调句的用法问题it was me who ate the chocolate up.请问这句话的语法对么?“我”作为主语要强调的时候,在it was后面应该用me 还是 I ? 这句英语语法对吗Rampant absenteeism,nepotism and corruption debilitated the companythanks.I wrote it. 这句英语语法对吗It was fun sleeping with her at first but the novelty soon wore offIt was fun sleeping with her at first but the novelty soon wore off 基础英语语法问题Western powers found that it was easy to force her to accept unequal conditions.这句中用了 was ,为什么后面的accept不用加ed呢? 这句英语语法对吗I dread to think what would my face look like 20 years laterthanks.I wrote it. 这句英语语法对吗i underestimated the money it would take to buy a housexiexie正确的句子是?我想写:我低估了买房子所需要的钱 It takes some time for hot water to come out.这句英语对吗?我想翻译“热水要过一段时间才能出来”或者“热水出来需要一点时间”之类的意思,请问上面的英语语法有问题吗? 这句英语语法对吗It was the brief Indian Summer of the high latitudes.It was the brief Indian Summer of the small village on a remote slope of the Loess Plateau before the endless and cold winter.thanks,I worte it 英语语法问题 it's not worth much 中worth是什么词性怎样的,难道much是副词做状语修饰整句句子?请大家帮帮忙分析一下这句子成分 英语语法问题怎么说English grammatical problem对吗 英语语法问题“...if this were possible,what does your bank hope to gain from it 在这个句子”if this were ...“ 里为什么用的是were而不是was 在我的理解中应该是was猜对啊 Difficult as the work was it was finished in times是什么句子?这句子是倒装句吗? 英文过去时的某些句子时态问题I saw all Beijing(这种句式对吗).How beautiful it is/was? 这句英语语法正确吗?I had to say the sea was the most beautiI had to say the sea was the most beautiful for what i saw 语法对吗 请问这是什么英语语法结构?i would not do whatever it was that they wanted me to.这句的语法结构是什么? 英语语法(口语吧应该是) 求详解Seems like it was just yesterday!这句不是祈使句吧 但开头的动词为什么不变成动名词形式啊?