这句英语句子该如何翻译?The policeman caught the thief by the arm.应该翻译成:警察抓住了小偷的胳膊.还是翻译成:警察用胳膊抓住了小偷.为什么?求专业人士指点,详细一些.十分感谢!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 08:44:54
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请教这句英语句子如何翻译,The army retreated by ordinance of the general. 请问这句英语该如何翻译:Gets too serious about the relationship too quickly 谢谢! 请问该如何理解并翻译这类英语句子as much information as it did at age 21as much an economic as a social issue我该如何去理解这样的句子?又该如何翻译?这是两个句子,第一句as much information as it did at age 21 英语翻译如题单个成语成句的时候,该如何翻译为好Reach to the sky,这是我的翻译,但是感觉句子开始的动词要不要有变化呢请多指教,很多这样的句子拿捏不准 如何翻译英语句子 关于该句中of的用法But on the more important matter of the Constitution.这句该如何翻译,为何如此翻译? 这句该如何翻译:The American company needs to receive your bid in two weeks. 这句英语句子该如何翻译?The policeman caught the thief by the arm.应该翻译成:警察抓住了小偷的胳膊.还是翻译成:警察用胳膊抓住了小偷.为什么?求专业人士指点,详细一些.十分感谢! 这句英语成分句子如何看?如下Have you decided which material you would like the suit to be from?这个问句中 which material you would like the suit to be from 成分看不懂.翻译倒是会翻译, 英语句子句型解释~~~Today, festival performances range in taste from the exotic and controversial to the highly sophisticated. 这句中的in是和怎么个用法,from呢?然后highly sophisticated该怎么翻译?谢谢! 翻译高手请进 帮忙翻译英语谚语To be surprised,to wonder,is to begin to understand. 这句英语谚语该如何翻译 这句英语如何翻译?Food out of the restaurant isnt allowed here. 帮我翻译一下下面这句英语句子好吗?You've knocked the cup off the table again. 求助翻译高手!翻译一句英语谚语!1.As you make your bed so must lie on it.这句是谚语,它该如何翻译啊?而且与这句表达相似的有哪些句子?请大家帮帮我啊谢谢谢谢! 请问“我该干的家务活也没干”这个句子用英语如何翻译? Hope is the poor people!这句该怎么翻译? [英语]The UN is short of cash.请用英语解释该句子The UN is short of cash.请用英语解释该句子,翻译自重. 翻译:“search for”和“search from”这句英语句子.